The train to nowhere


The train to nowhere


Where am I going?

I often ask myself

What will my life have been

Once I reach the end?


Cause I am on a train

One that is called Life

It rides through time, ever faster

The final stop unknown


Places and people rush by

Some places I return to

Some people hop on for a while

Most leave in the end


You never know the last time

You'll hug a friend

Kiss your loved one

Leave a view behind


So where am I going?

I already know

From dirt I came

And to dirt I will return


The train will stop

Its tracks will rust

Overgrown with moss

Its passenger long dead


Does the end matter?

All the tracks lead here

All trains stop in the end

The trains to nowhere


Everyone ends the same

No one gets off this ride alive

What matters is the journey

Where did your tracks take you?


All I can hope is that

My tracks went far and wide

Through valleys and mountains

Across sea and sky


Each cart filled with memories

Views and people left behind

Love and heartbreak and loss

My train to nowhere

And everywhere


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  • Poetic Licence

    A wonderful write about the fact we all end up on the same train in the end, but our journey there may vary, really enjoyed the read

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