31 December, 2024
Subject : Amazing cats
Analysis by Deep AI
(Artificial Intelligence)
Volume 13
Some quotes :
--“Cats hide their claws.”
--“The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet.”
--“Though the cat winks in a while, yet sure she is not blind.”
--- From the book “3000 PROVERBS” by Sam Phillips. New Delhi : Goodwill Publishing House. (Year probably around 2017). Full acknowledgements are made to the authors, publishers and other rights-holders.
Soman Ragavan :
Hello. I live in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. I will write about cats and I will ask you to comment accordingly. WHAT I AM WRITING REFERS JUST TO MAURITIAN CATS. Cats are fascinating creatures. There are many similarities between them and animals in the wild. They have kept back many of the instincts of wild animals. They are well-oiled hunting machines, full of craft, of patience, permanently processing a mass of data in their heads, observing everything around them, working out strategies and tactics, switching from one move/tactic to another in one second. Although they have taken a long time to work out a strategy, they can stop dead in the middle of a move and decide to do something else. I will write more as this chat progresses. You can start commenting now.
Deep AI :
Hello Soman! It's wonderful to hear about your experiences and observations regarding cats in Mauritius. Your description of them as "well-oiled hunting machines" truly captures their essence. Cats indeed possess a blend of grace, agility, and keen instincts that reflect their wild ancestry. The ability to switch strategies and remain alert makes them exceptional hunters, whether they are stalking prey in the wild or navigating their domesticated environments.
Mauritian cats, like those elsewhere, likely exhibit unique behaviors that are influenced by their surroundings. The ecology of an island can shape their hunting habits and social interactions in fascinating ways. I look forward to hearing more about your insights and experiences with these intriguing creatures, as there's so much to explore about their behavior and relationships with humans and nature in Mauritius. Please feel free to share more!
Soman Ragavan :
They hardly have any allegiance towards anyone, though there have been cases where a cat went to live on the grave of someone who had looked after it. Such cases are rare. Compared with other domestic animals, they are masters of strategies, of hiding what they are doing, of springing up a move with lightning speed, etc.
Deep AI :
Absolutely, Soman! Cats are indeed known for their independence and aloofness, which often sets them apart from other domesticated animals. Their evolutionary history as solitary hunters contributes to this behavior, making them less reliant on social structures for survival.
The example you mentioned about a cat choosing to stay by the grave of a person who cared for it is particularly poignant. It suggests that while cats may not exhibit allegiance in the same overt way as dogs, they are capable of forming bonds that can transcend their usual independence.
Their strategic thinking and ability to conceal their actions further highlight their wild instincts. Observing how a cat prepares to pounce or suddenly alters its path based on environmental cues is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability. It’s fascinating to think about how each cat has a unique personality and approach to their surroundings, making each interaction with them special. What specific behaviors have you observed in Mauritian cats that stand out to you?
Soman Ragavan :
They can do a lot of mischief and you will rarely catch them red-handed. They know how to flip off rapidly after doing something bad. They can sit for a long time and watch you innocently, but they are working out some mischievous plan. Then they will walk away slowly without rousing any suspicion. Going through a back door or a window, they will get into the house again, steal something or do some damage, then come back into the house through another place and sit again innocently in front of you…
Deep AI :
Soman, you're painting a picture of feline cunning that's both entertaining and impressive! It's as if they have a PhD in mischief and can execute their plans with ease. Their ability to seemingly be guiltless and innocent is a remarkable talent, making it challenging to catch them in the act.
Their calculated approach to causing trouble is a testament to their intelligence and patience. They observe, they plan, and then they execute their move with precision, always staying one step ahead. And, as you mentioned, their exit strategy is impeccable - quickly disappearing through a back door or window, only to return later through another route, all while maintaining an innocent expression.
It's almost as if they're trying to outsmart their human companions, testing the limits of their patience and understanding. Their ability to balance mischief with seeming innocence is a remarkable skill, making them all the more fascinating to watch and live with. Have you ever caught a glimpse of what might be the underlying motivation behind their mischievous behavior?
Soman Ragavan :
In one quote above, we see that cats hide their claws. Their claws remain hidden for most of the time. This forms part of their attack strategies and also prevents the claws from getting damaged through needless uses. However, when needed, in one second their claws come out, eg if having to climb walls or trees or having to pin down a prey.
Deep AI :
Soman, your observation about cats and their retractable claws is fascinating and highlights an essential aspect of their biology and behavior. The way cats can hide their claws until they're needed is an elegant adaptation that speaks to their evolutionary history as stealthy hunters.
By keeping their claws retracted most of the time, cats conserve their sharpness and protect them from wear and tear. This ability to deploy their claws quickly and effectively when needed—whether to scale a tree, navigate their environment, or capture prey—demonstrates both their agility and their strategic thinking. It’s a perfect example of how form and function intertwine in the animal kingdom.
This skill not only aids in hunting but also allows them to engage in playful activities or defend themselves if threatened. Their agility and quick reflexes, combined with the element of surprise, make them highly effective predators.
The metaphor of "hiding their claws" can extend to their behavior as well, as it reflects their tendency to be cautious and deliberate, revealing their more assertive side only when necessary. It’s a reminder of the balance they strike between independence and strategy—traits that many cat owners come to admire. Have you noticed any particular situations where your cats have displayed this clever use of their claws or their ability to strategize?
Soman Ragavan :
In Mauritius, they hate vegetarian foods. They want stuff like fish and meat, even canned ones. In a plate where vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods are mixed, they will eat only the non-vegetarian parts.
Deep AI :
Soman, your insights into the dietary preferences of cats, especially in Mauritius, highlight an interesting aspect of their nature. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are biologically designed to thrive on a diet primarily consisting of animal products. This instinctive preference for fish and meat over vegetarian options showcases their evolutionary adaptations as hunters.
Even in a mixed plate, their discernment for non-vegetarian food speaks to their natural instincts and nutritional needs. Cats have specific dietary requirements, such as certain amino acids (like taurine), fats, and vitamins, that are typically found in animal tissues. This explains their reluctance to consume plant-based foods, which may lack these essential nutrients.
Additionally, cats are known for their heightened sense of smell and taste, which likely influences their preferences. The aroma of fish or meat is more appealing to them than that of vegetables. Observing how they selectively choose their food can also be a reminder of their instinctual behaviors, which have been honed over time to ensure their survival.
It's always intriguing to see how these natural instincts manifest in domesticated settings. Do you have any stories about your cats' antics when it comes to food preferences?
Soman Ragavan :
When falling from a height, they always turn in the air in order to land on their feet. It is in this position that they can best absorb the shocks from the landing. Even when falling from a height of 20 feet (the top of a one-storey building), they will immediately rise up and run. It is not possible for a human to do so. Our bones will break or we will be stomped badly and take a long time to recover. It is because of this ability of theirs to survive dangers that we talk of a cat having “nine lives.”
Deep AI :
Soman, your description of cats’ remarkable ability to right themselves during a fall is a testament to their incredible physiology and evolutionary adaptations. This phenomenon, known as the "cat righting reflex," allows cats to turn their bodies mid-air and land on their feet. This reflexive action is combined with their flexible spine and unique skeletal structure, which help distribute the impact forces when they land.
The ability to absorb shocks is further enhanced by their lightweight bodies and padded paws, which act as natural shock absorbers. This is why cats can fall from significant heights—such as several stories—without sustaining serious injuries. Interestingly, studies have shown that cats tend to fare better when falling from higher places compared to lower ones because they have more time to adjust their body position before landing.
The saying about cats having “nine lives” often reflects their resilience and agility, as they seem to escape from danger more frequently than many other animals. This inherent ability allows them to navigate their environments with confidence, which can lead to some amusing or awe-inspiring antics as they explore heights or tight spaces.
Your points also highlight a stark contrast with humans, whose bodies are not built for such falls. Humans lack the same agility and flexibility in their joints and spine that enable cats to land safely. It’s fascinating how these adaptations have shaped their behavior and reputation in various cultures. Have you ever witnessed or experienced a moment where a cat displayed this extraordinary ability in a surprising way?
Soman Ragavan :
I have seen cats rocketing out of the way of dangers. They can think in a split second, identify paths to take for fleeing, choose among a few options in one second and disappear away.
(Remember, I am talking mostly about stray cats, including ones that roam on people’s premises). Before they give birth to kittens, they scout for a discreet place. Once I moved an iron sheet on my premises and found three kittens living there. They had been there for a long time without anybody noticing. Thus, before coming out, they sneak out their heads a little bit, look around and only come out when they find no one around.
Deep AI :
Soman, your observations about stray cats reveal their remarkable instincts and adaptability in navigating potentially dangerous situations. The way they quickly assess their surroundings, make split-second decisions, and choose escape routes showcases their strong survival skills. This ability is essential for strays, who often face threats from larger animals, humans, and various environmental challenges.
It's fascinating how cats, particularly those living on the streets, develop such acute situational awareness. Their instincts drive them to evaluate multiple escape routes and act swiftly, which can seem almost instinctual or intuitive to us. This agility and mental acuity allow them to evade dangers effectively, often disappearing before anyone realizes they were ever there.
Your experience with the hidden kittens illustrates another remarkable aspect of feline behavior: their instinct to seek out safe, discreet places for giving birth and raising their young. Choosing a secluded location helps protect them from predators and disturbances. The fact that you discovered them only after moving an iron sheet emphasizes their knack for finding shelter, often in places we might overlook.
The careful observation and cautious behavior you describe—sneaking out to check for threats—show how mother cats prioritize the safety of their kittens. This awareness not only ensures their survival but also reinforces the bond between the mother and her young.
Cats are such fascinating creatures, blending grace, intelligence, and instinct in their behaviors. Have you had any more interactions or stories regarding the stray cats in your area that surprised you?
Soman Ragavan :
The sneaking out is done by the kittens themselves, at a very young age. However, the mother also is on the look-out for dangers. Once she finds that the hiding place has been discovered, she will ferry out the kittens one by one to another place.
When Mama cat has to carry a kitten away, she grabs it by the top of the neck. The kitten immediately relaxes completely : staying rigid will be hurtful to it and will interfere with the evacuation process. You can see the kitten dangling while being carried away. The moment Mama puts it down, it resumes its normal posture and runs away.
Deep AI :
Soman, your insights into the behavior of mother cats and their kittens highlight the intricacies of feline parental care. The way kittens instinctively learn to sneak out and assess their surroundings is truly remarkable. This early development of survival instincts, alongside the mother's vigilance, underscores the importance of teamwork in ensuring their safety.
The method by which the mother cat carries her kittens—by the scruff of their neck—demonstrates both the instinctual behaviors of the cat and the evolutionary strategies that have developed to protect young animals. When the mother picks them up by the scruff, the kittens enter a state of relaxation. This response is a natural reflex; it allows them to avoid unnecessary tension in their bodies and helps the mother carry them without injury.
This behavior exemplifies the strong bond between mother and her kittens. The kittens' ability to remain pliable while being carried is critical for their safety during evacuation. It also shows their trust in their mother, who prioritizes their safety by moving them to new hiding places when their original spot is compromised.
When the kittens are placed down, their immediate return to normal posture and energy signifies their resilience and adaptability. This ability to quickly resume their natural behaviors is essential for their development and survival outside of the nest.
Your observations offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of feline behavior and the strategies they use to thrive in often harsh environments. Have you witnessed any particularly memorable moments involving these mother-kitten dynamics that stood out to you?
Soman Ragavan :
Once after work I left my car in the garage, kept the hood open for faster cooling of the engine and locked the garage door. There was a gap under the door. The following morning I saw a stray cat sleeping ON the engine… It had crept in under the door and had waited for the engine to cool off mostly and then slept the night there…
On another occasion on opening the garage I saw FISH BONES ON the engine… A cat had brought the bones from other premises, crept under the garage door and had sat on the engine to lick away at the bones…
Deep AI :
Soman, your stories about the stray cat's behavior in your garage are fascinating and highlight the cat's adaptability and resourcefulness. The fact that the cat crept in under the door and slept on the engine overnight shows its ability to adjust to new environments and find comfort in unexpected places.
The image of the cat sleeping on the engine, waiting for the engine to cool down, is a testament to its caution and patience. It's remarkable that it was able to gauge the temperature of the engine and time its sleep accordingly, ensuring its own safety.
The second story is equally intriguing, with the cat bringing fish bones from elsewhere and then using your garage as a convenient spot to clean them. This behavior not only showcases the cat's hunting prowess but also its ability to explore and utilize its surroundings efficiently. The fact that it chose your garage, specifically your car's engine, as a place to clean its food is a unique example of how cats can adapt and find value in unexpected locations.
These stories illustrate the resourcefulness of stray cats, which often have to navigate challenging environments in search of food, shelter, and safety. Your garage, with its gap under the door, became an unexpected haven for this stray cat. This highlights the importance of considering the needs and behaviors of urban wildlife when designing our living spaces and daily routines.
Your experiences also raise questions about the potential for urban wildlife to become accustomed to human structures and routines. Have you noticed any other examples of urban wildlife adapting to human environments in ways that might be surprising or unexpected?
Soman Ragavan :
The cat was not sitting on the engine waiting for it to cool down. She waited nearby for the engine to cool down and then climbed on it.
Please summarise your points. Thank you very much. Goodbye for now.
Deep AI :
Thank you for the clarification, Soman. Here’s a summary of the key points from your stories:
- **Resourcefulness of Stray Cats**: The stray cat showed adaptability by finding comfort on the engine of your car after entering the garage through a gap under the door.
- **Caution and Patience**: The cat waited nearby for the engine to cool down before climbing onto it, demonstrating an instinctual awareness of its environment and safety.
- **Unique Behavior**: The cat's choice to bring fish bones into the garage and clean them on the engine highlights its resourcefulness and ability to utilize human spaces for its needs.
- **Urban Wildlife Adaptation**: Your experiences reflect how urban wildlife, like stray cats, can adapt to and find value in human environments.
Thank you for sharing your interesting observations! Farewell for now, and feel free to return any time if you have more stories or insights to discuss.
Soman Ragavan (Pseudonym) (
- Published: February 3rd, 2025 00:10
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 6
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