

I cant explain

what its like

to be touched

in places

you shouldn't be

as a child.


I try to say

to people

that they just

won't understand

unless they've

been through it.


they always

make some excuse

for understanding

and why I should

move on.


you don't know

if I'm going 

to be ok

because you've

never been

through the stuff

that I have.


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  • sorenbarrett

    Horrific! No no one can ever know what another person has been through even if they have it is different for everyone. That is why some people get PTSD and others don't people are different and react different even to the same circumstances. This poem was hard to read and although I have worked with many abuse survivors each is different. A brave write.

    • NinjaGirl

      Thank you very much for your kind words. It's so true, I was so angry for a while that I got PTSD and other people who had "been through worse" hadn't. Part of me felt like I was crazy and making it up. Your comment means so much to me, thank you.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      People say lots of things, and then show what side they are talking out of the very next minute. Don’t listen to assholes. Only mouths should be talking to you! Well done ion this poem! 💯 truth! Sorry you have to endure methane when coming up for air. It makes the abuse worse, I know, even though I DO NOT know what it is like to be sexually assaulted as a child. Anyone who claims “to know” without experiencing, and tells you to move on, isn’t truly caring for you. They’re shielding themselves…at best. Again, well done my friend. 🌹👏 You are a beautiful soul, wise, and extremely talented! Glad our paths crossed.

      • NinjaGirl

        Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad our paths crossed as well! Thanks for being a constant supporter!

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          You are most welcome! 🤗

        • TommyDingo

          So heart breaking such a sad thing to read your so brave for sharing I hope your ok ❤

          • NinjaGirl

            Thank you so much! I'm on the road to ok!

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