If ye benevolent reader count yourself as a wise married man such as me...


(truer words never spoken nor written)
take my word and decline
and absolutely refuse to take masterly crafted bait
videre licet Facebook female
seeking to lure, catch
and unwittingly cannibalize
thee unfortunate soul
courtesy dangling eye catching
teasing offer vis a vis friend request.

Analogous to a virtual
faux conscientious fisherwoman,
nonchalantly sporting her usual
moon officiant zestfully, maidenly
and entrancingly Venusian efficient
trappings of the trade
such as: a long-sleeved,
quick-drying fishing shirt,
technical fishing pants,
a wide-brimmed hat,
polarized sunglasses,
waterproof jacket and pants
(depending on weather),
sturdy waterproof boots,
and sometimes a fishing vest
to hold tackle and gear,
who aimed and angled
to reel in good catch of the day
using barbless hooks
and proper handling techniques,
to significantly minimize discomfort
when maneater snags a beauty.

A much more preferable fate than taking the bait
concerns mainlining, quaffing, snorting, et cetera
consciousness expanding material
ala electric kool aid acid test,
which nonfiction authored by Tom Wolfe
showcased a bus named by artist Roy Sebern,
who painted the word "Furthur"
(with two U's, quickly corrected)
inspiration to pacify cool and the gang
of offbeat generation Characters:
Neal Cassady, Jerry Garcia,
Ken Kesey, Stewart Brand,
Ken Babbs (a leader
of the Merry Pranksters -
and close friend of Ken Kesey),
the leader of a group of people
involved in the Acid Tests
featured in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
prodding them to continue going west.

I cannot speak nor write
from personal experience
regarding feeling voluntarily drugged,
but no hallucinogenic trip,
yours truly imagines
could rival the contumacious -
riding roughshod over sacrosanct
institution of heterosexual marriage,
ferocious - savagely character assassinating
a married male, id est,
incapacious - to accept no as an answer,
and predacious - preying
upon a sexagenarian husband

such shady sophisticated ploy linkedin

with the underbelly courtesy the Internet
in general and Facebook in particular
best to wriggle free and clear
and joining the gig
with the celebrated jumping frog
of Calaveras County
after successful effort
to get tossed back into the cyber sea.

  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 25th, 2025 12:44
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 9
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  • sorenbarrett

    A good piece of advice to any that swim those waters as for me I don't inhabit those seas. Very nicely written

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