Why insult others ?


Nothing hurts more than a harsh, unkind word

From the mouths of people unnecessarily frank and pert

Insulting others is to be avoided at any cost

Speak one sentence, and then you’re as good as lost.


What urges people to tell stories about others?

Why don’t they treat all as sisters or as brothers

How would they like to hear tales concerning them alone

Wouldn’t they blame the world, wouldn’t they sigh and groan?


Its no use, my friend, you can never assure man

You can never, never, gossiping in the land, ban

Man’s good at making a mountain of a mole-hill

Spreading false rumors, and creating ill-will


Ensnared by material benefits the world provides him with

Man, who is, by the urge to win fame, bit

Forgets all his manners – just brushes them aside

And is enveloped in a snake-skin of venom and of pride


So! where’s the land of our dreams in which we can take pride

Why do people revel in taking others for a ride

Why cant we be engrossed in our own joys and sorrows

A hopeful, expectant, wait for the morrows


Why interfere in other’s affairs when our own work is there

Would we tolerate it if they laid our secrets bare ?

Why tell stories behind the backs, and why insult others

Why not mete out love and respect, if all mankind are brothers??

  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 1st, 2025 23:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • arqios

    Why indeed!? Mum used to say; โ€œif you have nothing nice to say, just donโ€™t talk.โ€

    • NafisaSB

      i salute your mother - she got it nailed. thanks for the feedback, have a great week ahead

      • arqios

        Most if not all mothers do. Thanks kindly.and youโ€™re welcome ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š

        • NafisaSB

          Yes, i agree with you. The qualities of a good mom are definitely universal, and leave an imprint on their children
          take care, have a good day

          • arqios

            You too; may your week be an excellent one ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š

          • Poetic Licence

            Several messages in this write, get your own house in order before you interfere in someone else's, treat others as you would like to be treated etc etc, really enjoyed the read

            • NafisaSB

              yes - in a way getting it off my chest - what i feel about gossipers and nosey parkers - and trying to mind my own business and enjoying life
              thanks for stopping by

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

                • NafisaSB

                  thank you so much

                • sorenbarrett

                  A great message in this poem. Unfortunately until we feel true love for another we won't treat them with the respect that love brings. Manors are taught but not always obeyed. Love lasts. Very nicely written

                  • NafisaSB

                    that is so true that we need to respect others as we would like to be respected,bbecause good manners, even though a basic courtesy, are rarely practiced today
                    thank you, have a lovely week ahead

                  • Cassie58

                    Dear Safina, your fine poem contains much wisdom. Treat other people as you wish to be treated yourself. That was my mumโ€™s mantra. Too much unkindness around by far these days. Better for each to concentrate on their own patch before interfering elsewhere. A lesson many have to learn. A lovely poem here with strong messages. Good to read you again dear poet.

                    • NafisaSB

                      thank you so much for your kind words, really appreciate your feedback, my dear poetess.
                      the more I read about your mother, the more i admire the lessons she taught you - I feel all good moms are universal in that respect - they live on in our memories and our actions, long after they leave us, bless them.
                      we find people more interested in preaching than practicing - and the trend is sadly increasing..
                      waiting to read more gems from your side - take care.

                    • Teddy.15

                      Because for some it is far more rewarding and pleasurable to make others feel less, it's sad isn't it, I know many like this, one being my own sister, I do not tolerate them personally. This is a wonderful and important subject. Powerfully created. ๐ŸŒน

                      • NafisaSB

                        thanks for your frank feedback - really appreciate the same.
                        I agree that those who misbehave should not be encouraged or tolerated - but just removed from our circle if possible -
                        we all have either relatives, or acquaintances who think they are God's gift to humanity and revel in trying to downsize and insult others..

                      • Neville

                        Unfortunately it seems not everyone shares or practices the distinctly kindly & exclusively human principles you have referenced and woven throughout this fine poem .. it would pay them well to take a leaf out of your good book .. and the world would be a distinctly safer and better place .. Neville

                        • NafisaSB

                          glad you share my opinion - because it would definitely make the world a better place if we did unto others what we would like to be done to us
                          thanks for the kind words - really appreciate it
                          have a great week ahead - take care

                        • Distant View

                          Wise poetic words! I enjoyed the read!

                          • NafisaSB

                            thank you so much

                          • Thomas W Case

                            Absolutely. Great work.

                            • NafisaSB

                              glad it resonated with you - thanks a ton

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