……Evolutionary advantages are only temporary, yours was a civilized society, but a savagery conquered you and your contemporaries, you arguing now only gives them a Pimp’s worry, how to advertise his brothel and make it more news worthy, and pull in more clients, who cares that it’s February; black history isn’t our body of work, not even a capillary; stop thinking what’s great, can’t be overcame and thrown to the flames, we’ve been their continuous sacrifice that keeps them sustained.
EvenwheniLie (Pseudonym) (
- Published: March 2nd, 2025 14:58
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 22
This poem has an ominous feel to it. It shows anger and resentment. There seems to be a look for justice. Well written
Thanks.. poems I feel should not only point to a better life, it should point to the issues from the individual’s perspectives, living scars are more revealing then words
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