Hard To Love?

GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

   Are human beings hard to love? That’s not in His Word. That doesn’t come from above. Do we then tolerate mistreatment and abuse? Not according to His word. Not according to the truth. Do we as humans have flaws that others may not like? Absolutely; each and every one of us; that’s one hundred percent right. Does that then mean we are undeserving of care? That’s not in His word; we must first become aware. What exactly does that mean? Well being called out on your flaws may be the first step to accepting that you are a human being. Are we intended to then be perfect and ignore what He then shows us as truth? According to His word we are to let Him change our heart for much better use. What if we fail over and over again? Well His word says we are to turn Him and repent. What if I feel unworthy of His call? He shows us in His word that we are worthy of all. To Trust in Him completely with all things big and small. Not to do it half heartedly; otherwise we fall. Are we as humans then hard to love? Something’s must be left in His hands above.

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  • Poetic Licence

    A strong write around their belief and strength in faith,yet there are some of us mere mortals that are very hard to love, an interesting and well written write

    • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

      Each and every one of us has a story; sometimes all it takes is for one person to listen. While some may plant seeds of doubt; one person can plant a seed of truth that turns his or her life around; thank you for commenting!

      • Poetic Licence

        You are very welcome

      • sorenbarrett

        For your wordsmithing in this poem it deserves a fave. Lovely work with rhyme and near rhyme internal rhyme in a poem that flows naturally as a paragraph of written work. Loved it

      • Tony36


      • orchidee

        A fine write applying to humans GS. But KP has no faults She is not human. Well, half human, half trout. (You are horrible to her, Orchi, says Fido. heehee)

        • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

          lol 😂

          • orchidee

            I gotta give up being nasty to her for Lent - so... it's soon! lol. It'll last as long as me giving up choccie biccies - 1 day. heehee.

          • arqios

            Mistreatment is not cool. Never was and I daresay never shall be 🙏🏻🕊️

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