Beauty of the Book

whats write for me

Beauty of the Book

Based on the book of Genesis

In the dawn of time, creation's tale unfolds, In Genesis, an ancient saga swirls. His divine breath ignited life in the void, The cosmos born, celestial bodies deployed.


The Garden of Eden, pristine and fair, Adam and Eve, it's sovereign pair. Forbidden fruit they dared to taste, A fateful choice, innocence erased.


From Cain's dark deed to Noah's ark, The flood's wrath, the world turned stark. A covenant sealed, a rainbow above, God's promise of grace, unending love.


  • Author: LA (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 4th, 2025 05:29
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 27
  • Users favorite of this poem: Tristan Robert Lange
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  • sorenbarrett

    The rainbow has two ends one the forgiveness of God of men for their deeds and the other the forgiveness of men for God's destruction of the flood. Well worded this poem that is Biblical in its story. Nicely done.

    • whats write for me

      That is a great veiw, concise and to the point. Thank you Soren!

    • arqios

      For me one of the best opening portions or segments is the account of the world’s first tailor/dressmaker. But all of Genesis is quite amazing. 🙏🏻🕊

      • whats write for me

        Not to be competitive, but I would love to see your view of "the world's first tailor/dress maker". Would you be willing to write on the topic?

        • arqios

          I was just toying with the idea. And I shall endeavour to get back to you on it. Thanks kindly. 🙏🏻🕊

          • whats write for me

            A can do attitude, I like it.

            • arqios

              What’s the use of dwelling in what couldn’t be done, it seems a bit counterproductive 😊

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              LA, my friend, you’ve crafted a beautiful poetic summary of Genesis here. These verses totally capture the essence of creation, the fall, and the flood with vivid imagery and elegant rhyme. Just beautiful. Also, your final stanza is especially powerful, moving from the darkness of Cain’s dastardly deed to the hope of healing, restoration and wholeness symbolized by the rainbow. That transition from “the world turned stark” to “God’s promise of grace, unending love” faithfully encapsulates the overarching theme of redemption found in Genesis and the Bible as a whole. Again, my friend, well done on this! 🌹👏 An easy fave for me.

            • Tony36

              Excellent write

              • whats write for me

                Thank you Tony, I am glad you enjoyed it.

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • NinjaGirl

                  I wonder if it is really Eve who ate the apple, why is it called "Adam's transgression"? I wonder if there is more to the story

                  • whats write for me

                    The reason for that is Eve was made to be Adams helper. Ultimately the responsibility was on Adam. No sexism implied, just factual made from his rib.

                    • NinjaGirl

                      She wasn't *actually* created from his rib though, right? I thought it was just symbolic how they were one in purpose or something

                      • whats write for me

                        The Bible describes God putting Adam into a deep sleep, removing the rib to create Eve.

                        Genesis 2:21 says, "So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh".

                        • NinjaGirl

                          I ought to do more gospel study!

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