your loss


Notice of absence from broke
if I'm not on I'm looking for an adventure or talking to you depends 😁

when someone plays with your heart it hearts

ive been lied to brought down and beaten by these women

and the the last girl

shes a liar  

a loser 

and most of all a heart crooser 

going from 1 to another

she never cared nor tried to

she never loved me nor wanted to

wach out for the fake ones

because she is one

I know everything about her

from past to present 

I know everything shes done

from now to later

as my heart swells from the women

I thought I could trust

I realize she ain't no huss

no point in crying

over a bich

who cared about herself

and is really stupid

I did my part 

and she failed to bid

the guy shes dating

is such a loser

just like her

words hert 

but heart break does to

I regret nothing

ive said to you

you put all the weight on me

and expected me to carry

so I gave it back like it was a peary

as when I'm rich

and your dirt poor

just remember 

you chose a bad life for a boy

so as I make a poem 

of are realation ship and everything shes ever told me

its going out tomorrow 

and its gonna be long

I don't care what she says

ill do it my way

cause that heart breaker chose to throw her life away

and know one to stop me I'm almost done with it 

just keep in mind lillian Michele moore

there is much more they will find out then just your name tommorow at lets say 5 in the morning

so you can read it

I never got a sorry

she just left me

she blames it on me 

so I'm gonna be the monster she turned me into

  • Author: john mead (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 6th, 2025 05:10
  • Comment from author about the poem: its going out tomorrow at 5 in the morning and can one of you tell her about this poem I think her name is hopeless/the problem
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 13
  • Users favorite of this poem: sheta
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  • sorenbarrett

    A poem of pain, hurt and revenge. Written raw it cries out

  • Hopeless/the problem

    You think I never cared for you John, funny.I have always cared for you and still do. You don't get to say that shit to me and expect me to forgive you. I already did because I am a forgiving person. Quick question, if you really loved, and or love me why would you do this. I have kept my promise of not turning around and hating you and sharing things about you but here you are breaking that promise.If you haven't shown your true colors maybe I would of still been with you. You go live your life at the fullest, and make it into the Nba because you deserve it. You deserve everything you want. But you deserve better when it comes to me.I love you and always will I never lied about loving you. And I am going to not react to this John bc I alr have things to do and get done and worry about. But first I have to worry about hurting you first.

    • broke


      • broke

        I lokey kinda don't care btw avi wants to know so I'ma give in to her begging

        • Hopeless/the problem


          • broke

            what you mean no you cant stop me this what you get

            • Hopeless/the problem

              How did I ever love and still love you

              • broke

                I don't know why it was your choice " John laughs evilly

                • Hopeless/the problem

                  Your just mad you showed your true colors and this is what you get.

                  • broke

                    yep sure is I don't give a shit though

                    • Hopeless/the problem


                      • broke

                        yeah that's why avi finna know everything

                        • Hopeless/the problem

                          I hate you

                          • broke

                            I hate me to lillian yeah your cooked you ruined my life so I'ma return the favor

                            • broke

                              your a horrible person said you loved me said forever and broke up with me you

                              • Hopeless/the problem

                                I BROKE UP WITH YOU BC I COULDNT DO IT NO MORE. And your right I am a horrible person, I don't deserve what I have, bro I wish I was in Sarah's place I wish. I am a god awful person, and you helped me realize that.. Fine you ruin my life but that's not going to do you any good.

                                • Hopeless/the problem

                                  imma do you a favor.

                                  • broke

                                    now lets not get hasty here miss lampshade don't do anything you'll regret the fire depths of hell aren't the best

                                    • Hopeless/the problem

                                      I have already done things. I have been called down to the principals office a total of 77 times since you left 78 if you count today.

                                      • broke

                                        stop doing stupid things I wasn't that important you need to get in trouble every day like your a smart kid you get good grades and have a little common sense there's no reason you should be getting in trouble

                                        • Hopeless/the problem

                                          Well I am getting in trouble, mostly bc people r talking shit about you and I am over here defending you. Today I got my ass in trouble bc Jordyn played the victim card on the principal. My grades are ok. And ummm we don't talk about my common sense. Today I was asked if I still liked you, or did I ever even love you and I said always have always will. And yea

                                          • broke

                                            oh ok that's nice and how are you and Clayton doing

                                            • Hopeless/the problem

                                              We aren't even together. Rn I am dealing with Adalay, Sophie, Payton, Lynell, and Myah yelling at me. For defending Emmy. I a had full panic attack and yea, hey gtg to dance bye, John

                                              • broke

                                                ok lillie love you talk later

                                                • Hopeless/the problem


                                                  • broke

                                                    whatever you say lamp shade

                                                    • broke

                                                      oh is ember on or is dance just over

                                                      • Hopeless/the problem

                                                        Ummm I was at dance from like 6 30 and just got back, that was Ember.

                                                        • Hopeless/the problem

                                                          Gooooooooooodnight!!! 😁😁

                                                          • broke

                                                            yep goodnight

                                                            • broke

                                                              I didint tell avi nothing you dont have to believe me but I really cant argue with you Lillie I don't have the energy to honestly I can't avi just messaged me to day saying she was gone for like 5 days or some I don't know but nah I ain't tell avi I don't talk to avi cause all she talk about is how you and Emily ignore her so nah I ain't tell her nothing believe what you want I just don't care anymore gotta go to track prac

                                                              • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                K just freaked out bc she said u did mb.

                                                                • broke

                                                                  ok I'm back from tryouts hope I made the team

                                                                  • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                    I bet you will, I just got my dress for the dance next week oh and I hurt my whole right leg mostly knee

                                                                    • broke

                                                                      I'm sure you look buetiful in it and put some ice on that knee

                                                                      • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                        my knee is kinda gonna need to suck it up bc Im doing the same thing that I did to hurt it in my dance for the recital

                                                                        • broke

                                                                          yeah gotta lock in

                                                                          • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                            Yea bc its in 2 months and my knee. AND I fell too AAAAAND I am also just sitting in my room at this point, I don't come out.

                                                                            • broke

                                                                              so your a night owl or you cant walk cause your a lamp shade haha lamp shead

                                                                              • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                I am just sitting up in my bed at night now. Not doing anything, just sitting staring at the walls. And also bc my leg

                                                                                • broke

                                                                                  yo this ain't fair I'm getting jumped in prodigy they just one shotted me

                                                                                  • broke

                                                                                    and sorry to hear that

                                                                                    • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                      eh idc I can just sit here for hours.

                                                                                      • broke

                                                                                        yepere that's the human body for you

                                                                                        • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                          I gtg.. bye

                                                                                          • broke

                                                                                            bye lillie

                                                                                            • broke

                                                                                              what's up Lil's hows you doing

                                                                                              • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                I just put on fake nails for the dance on Thursday.

                                                                                                • broke

                                                                                                  ohhh nice gonna dance with claytonπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

                                                                                                  • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                    Yea, you cool with that????

                                                                                                    • broke

                                                                                                      i dont care i think its funny🀒 wonder when hes nvm

                                                                                                      • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                        no continue.

                                                                                                        • broke

                                                                                                          your both losers in my opinion one a girlfried stealer and the other a non trustworthy promise breaking piece of shit so yeah but plenty of girls like me and im rizzing up the teachers daughter right now while you 2 losers dance one girl asked if i could come to her house you know how that went if you know what i mean

                                                                                                          • broke

                                                                                                            just kidding bout the house part i declined im not a player

                                                                                                            • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                              Well u dated the loser and I\'m happier then I have been in months.

                                                                                                              • broke

                                                                                                                yeah lokey dont give a shit im a better writer a better basketball player and overall a better person nicer kinder and i care for peoples fealing unlike you im not an complete loser like you and clayton theres a diffrence between me and you ima be rich and suxecesfull and your gonna be a nobody not my problem thats yourse wach me on tv when all my fans are screaming fuck you lillie on my debut game

                                                                                                                • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                  happiness is all that matters idgaf if I'm broke and gl I hope u succeed in life.

                                                                                                                  • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                    I just hope ur happy if not I hope you get happy

                                                                                                                    • broke

                                                                                                                      i hope i exel in life to i mean im one of the best players in my school and if not the best people like me cause im a nice person people dont like you cause your a piece of shit who doesent care about anyone but yourself 🫀🫀 you and clayton wont last more than 3 to 4 months i mean its true ill find a girl and make her happy me and abby not your friend are doing great we were eating ice cream together yesterday on the park bench 🫀 you need to figure your self out before dating just some advice

                                                                                                                      • broke

                                                                                                                        your a great person on the inside you just have problems showing it also like my dance moves πŸ’πŸ’†πŸ™…πŸ™†πŸ™‹πŸ€·

                                                                                                                        • broke

                                                                                                                          True love is not about finding someone who makes you happy, it's about finding someone who makes you want to be a better person i tried you made me wanna be a better person i made you happy but you simply ruined that

                                                                                                                          • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                            I just hope u r happy who knows I may be dead in those months but just know I love you and I just told Andrew that 1 hour ago. And if I don't answer just know ily

                                                                                                                            • broke

                                                                                                                              who is andrew and i love you toπŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ

                                                                                                                              • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                goginbiler. I am just gonna be happy even if I'm not imma show it.

                                                                                                                                • broke

                                                                                                                                  yeah thats cool hope you have fun with youre douchebag of a boyfriend i wanna see yall try to kiss πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ that would be the funniest thing ever omg im laughing so hard right now you make so many mistakes but leaving me for him you gotta be on drugs wont be able to talk tommorow aby wants me to meet her mom

                                                                                                                                  • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                    Emmy just kissed me...... Oh and have fun knowing u, ur gonna try and get in her pants.

                                                                                                                                    • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                      jk she didnt

                                                                                                                                      • broke

                                                                                                                                        nah shes a nice girl and me and her were just at my house eariler alone she likes cereal and have fun being prego next year also tell emmy aim for the lips next time might be the last one for a while abys cool and doesent blame every little thing on me and she laid on my chest so cute

                                                                                                                                        • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                          nice knowing u btw ur grandparents rnt that bad they r nice, to me.

                                                                                                                                          • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                            oh u moved on quicker than I did, just saying that.

                                                                                                                                            • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                              she chose a good man

                                                                                                                                              • broke

                                                                                                                                                i didint move on just trying someone new i cant chase you forever and she understands that but shes a little touchy and comes over to much

                                                                                                                                                • Hopeless/the problem

                                                                                                                                                  John I'm panicking I'm having an panic attack I am ummm I'm I cant breathe I cant

                                                                                                                                                • Tony36

                                                                                                                                                  Well written and expressed

                                                                                                                                                • sheta

                                                                                                                                                  hey big bro… i miss you

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