Sun Raid

Mutley Ravishes


Lets go on

A guerrilla raid

Your flow is so smooth

The intellectual

Emotional defences

Can't see you move

You deep into subdued

Cells territory

Where tensions are verily

Being held in a prison

Of forgotten concoctions

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  • arqios

    So many possibilities of interpreting, so delicious in its appeal 🙏🏻🕊

    • Mutley Ravishes

      Thank you. If you interpret it physically then there's a whole methodology in it!

      • arqios

        Indeed! And the method is thrilling 🙏🏻🕊️

      • sorenbarrett

        Definitely gives the mind something to think about just like entering a maze each turn a corridor or blind alley. Nice

        • Mutley Ravishes

          Glad I gave you something to think about!

        • Poetic Licence

          Many ways to view this, a pleasure to read

          • Mutley Ravishes

            I got the inspiration from a Taoist practice. Thanks for dropping by.

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Brief and impactful, this poem really is descriptive and open to interpretation for sure. I love the opening lines, Sunrays / Lets go on / A guerrilla raid". This makes me think of how light can peer through the tightest crevices in the darkest of spaces. A guerilla raid...indeed. This also makes me think of the Marilyn Manson lyrics, playing on the Bible of course, "The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness will never understand it." The light is invasive...a guerilla raid. Not saying your poem has anything to do with Manson, to be clear...but I am reminded of those lyrics. Then the poem shifts from the light to someone (perhaps?) who is emotionally defended by their intellect, not allowing anything to penetrate...perhaps the light?...and, they are imprisoned as a result. I could be way off. But that is what I get off the first few reads. Well done, my friend. ❤️🙏

              • Mutley Ravishes

                Haha! Marylin Manson? I didn't see that one coming!
                You're not so far off at all. For sure the light not able to penetrate. You could also think of the light as our awareness. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  🤣 Yeah, figured I would through Manson in for good measure! Our awareness indeed. Deeply profound poem, my friend.

                • Thomas W Case


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