A girl with autism


She was adopted when she was 2

Eyes a pretty bright blue

That's when her life started

That's where it all began

Her brain a place uncharted

Unknown to man

Been to places for people like her

Hospitals to find a cure

But no cure was found

Then the voices started, which were loud

But she found a solution, a temporary fix to the problem

The voices were quiet

But there was no escaping them

Because they were never really silent

The solution was to write poetry

In hopes it would make her happy

But it never worked

As she had hoped

See, she should have looked for joy instead

Now she's listening to the voices in her head

Why she's different, nobody knows

When she turned sixteen, she got diagnosed

With something you can't get rid of

It also can't be fully explained

She tells the voices to hush

Because they're causing her so much pain

She feels like she’s being rushed to grow up

And every day she feels even more drained

She thinks being different is wrong

Because they've been trying to find out what's wrong with her

She just wants to belong

She believes love is something everyone deserves 

But she doesn’t let anyone love her

She feels like a natural disaster

She doesn't show much emotion, so no one knows

Why does she never let anyone get too close

No one knows why

She locks everything inside

Why must she hide

Who she is

Her mind like a bottomless pit

No one knows where it ends

Or how deep it goes

And it just comes to show

That she hides everything about herself that could be different

A period marks the end of a sentence

And for a period of time

She escapes reality through her mind

But every sentence must end

But words never do

Sometimes she'll think even her friends

Aren't even true

She has to remind herself from time to time

That there's more to life

That her friends might not be in her life forever

But she can even find new friends that might be even better

Some of her friends don't respond to her texts or calls now

She wonders if she let them down

Maybe she was too annoying

Or too needy

Was she too friendly

Was she possibly greedy

She doesn't think so

But she honestly doesn't know

Why they won't respond

What did she do wrong

There was once a time

In which she showed too many feelings

But I think you'll find

That's when the water started running

She began sinking

As she went down

She began thinking

What do I do now?

I should just let myself drown

She thought

But instead she fought

She fought bravely

Even though she knew people would refer to her as crazy

But even though she'd try to fight

She was no match for the oceans might

As the waves crashed together

She began to fear

That her life would forever be altered

And she could hear

A voice in the distance

But as it finished its sentence

It disappeared

And at that moment the storm had withered

Everything was calm

But that did last long

But she knew she could handle anything that could come

She's nineteen now

And the voices have gone down

But they're still here

Just waiting for their chance 

And every once in a while she can hear

Her heart dance

To remind her that she's still alive

That she hasn't died

And like the voice said unto her

Love is something everyone deserves 

And like the voice said unto me

Only with help can you set yourself free

Because your not alone in your struggles

And there's no reason to make oceans out of puddles


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Comments +


  • Cassie58

    A history here of a young life. What a struggle it has been. You convey that well and I find courage in your words. I particularly like your poetic expression in the final two lines. Pleased I stopped by.

  • sorenbarrett

    A deep dive into the mind of a person afflicted. Great rhyme and even some internal rhyme with a good flow to the body of the piece. It reflects personal knowledge of the ailment from self or someone well known. It shows the battles that such people go through and the bravery and persistence that it takes to keep going and not sink deeper. Thank you for sharing this is a fave

  • Poetic Licence

    A honest account of the struggles of living with the autism, the bravery, courage and determination that is needed to carry on and not collapse under the difficulties, beautifully expressed

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