Take it from me, I was there, I saw it all.
This girl was trying to kill herself, I swear she was,
Marlene Brighten I think her name was.
She walked out in front of Tram right here in Main street.
But Jimmy Stirling comes along and risked life and limb to save her.
Without a thought for his own safety,
He dove in front of the Tram and pushed Marlene out of the way.
It was a sight to see let me tell you.
But here’s the kicker. Marlene gets up and yells at the poor guy.
I’ve never heard anything like it,
She yelled and screamed at him until the cops had to break them up.
“Why did you do that, you bastard. I wanted to end it all.
Don’t you get it! Now I have to go back
To that loser husband of mine. He’s gonna give me what for!”
She said as she picked herself up and walked away.
“Hey kid, you’re a hero” said some guy in the crowd.
“I sure don’t feel like a hero” said Jimmy.
David Wakeling (
- Published: March 9th, 2025 01:57
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 22
Is there mind reading or coincidences afoot!? Was thinking for several days of sugar and salt, and how these are the primary nutritional substances in daily intakeβ¦ and now a poem to serve as catalyst and amplifier ππ»π
Well they always say when having safe poetry always use a condiment. Just kidding. Thanks for your 6th sense
Hey! Condiments rule! πππ»π
A dark joke from me - I tried to dive in front of a train to end it all, but the train was cancelled. Doh! (heehee).
Um that is sad that anyone would feel so low as to think of ending it all.So many love ones get hurt by that.
Yes, the theme is sad and serious. Isn't suicide at least a tad selfish too, for those left behind?
This is me messing about. I'm the guy who phoned The Samaritans and they were engaged. Doh! heehee. (another terrible joke there).
Thought provoking as a metaphor. We seldom know the consequences of our actions. Our best intentions can go wrong. We are not responsible for the unknown but we often hold ourselves so after the fact. Great story
You are quite right.Always insightful comments.Thank you
This kind of reminds me of a true occurrence outside a local pub in a town where I lived, a few years ago. A man was walking by when he saw another man beating up a woman, right outside the pub! The passer-by tried to stop the beating, but he was turned on viciously, by the man who had attacked the woman! The woman then joined in the attack on the passer-by, screaming, "Mind your own business! This is a family argument, nothing to do with you!" The poor passer-by suffered a broken jaw, plus other injuries, and spent several days in hospital! What a price to pay, for simply trying to stop a woman from being attacked!
Indeed. Sometimes its better to stay out it.Thanks for commenting
He had done nothing and she killed herself he feels bad, so cannot win in that situation,yet he didn't what she is running from and the consequences of that for her, interesting write, a thinker
Are difficult chose sometimes.Thanks for commenting
You are very welcome
Poor Jimmy. He did the right thing. He would have felt even worse if she had died infront of him. He is still a hero in my book and she needs serious help. Much enjoyed story David.
Thanks for your insight. Mucho appreciado
You are welcome:)
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