The Rocking Chair


The stench of decay
Overpowers senses
The heart long dead
Awaits final resting place 


The bed unmade
Bears testimony of bygone love made
Rocking chair facing the window 
Makes her rock gently
To the music the ticking clock makes


Her love is gone
Her heart is dead
She feels no sorrow,
She can feel no pain
Only a pressing loneliness 


Someday so long back
Can't recall the faces
Only memory of smile lighting up eyes
On her love's embrace


The clock has not stopped 
It keeps the time
Her time came to a halt
When love said goodbye 


Somewhere, sometime
She will wake up from reverie
Somewhere, someday 
She will find a meaning of her being


But for now
The rocking chair
Her refuge from the life
Will keep her beating heart alive


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  • sorenbarrett

    A sad poem of avoidance and the consequences and if life is all that is desired it works. This poem sets the mood and leaves a sense of hopelessness. Very well written

    • rebellion_in_sanity

      Thank you very much. Your support has been an inspiration 🙏

    • Poetic Licence

      That is a very well written powerful and sad piece of writing, with a strong of having no hope

    • Cassie58

      Such sadness in this poem. It reminds me very much of my visits to the nursing home to see my aunt. Old ladies sitting in chairs, gazing out of the window , expressionless. No visits, no love in their lives, waiting to die. The end of the line. If it was me, I would pray for my heart to stop. Powerfully delivered, with such a sense of hopelessness. Well done RIS.

      • rebellion_in_sanity

        Thank you very much for your kind words. I sometimes think one must take a break from life in oder to survive. Not sure my thoughts are right though. Your kindness and support is deeply appreciated.

        • Cassie58

          Time out can certainly help with perspective and I have known some do that. Your poem sent me in another direction. That is what I love about poetry. It allows travel.

        • Neville

          So very sad .. the sense of hopelessness and helplessness pervades the page on which these words sit purposefully .. Neville

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Wow! Powerful, my friend! Visceral imagery and there's a haunting poignancy to it. Well done! 🌹👏

        • Thomas W Case

          Powerful work.

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