The Buddha's awakening


The Buddha emerges from 7 years of reflection under his tree.

He gives me a good smiling look and says mischievously :

-'' So boy,I hear you've become a poet ? ''

- To know you to wear bomber and doc martens,

  starting a fight as you leave the stadium 

   what an incredible evolution ! ''

Then he made a slightly resigned gesture .

 -'' After so many meditative years and I don't know 

  how many illuminations ,I'm waking up to a world

that hasn't changed and learned from past errors 

and horrors to come ! ''

 He pauses to take a sip of San Pellegrino .

After all this time he must be thirsty .

And he continues like this : 

 -'' sometime I think I should have gone

 into politics or business ,right now I'd be US president ! 

  He sigh and adds :

-'' you see ,even my message is no longer popular

There are neo-buddhists chapels everywhere ,

seasoning my message with a holistic  touch ,

or other supermarket spirituality for cuckoos ! ''

 -'' okey man I'm off to the local mcdo for a good burger ! ''

         My poor old Buddha .

Have you not penetrated the truth and finality of things

just to take note of the inulectable permanence ?

Since the place is free ,I'll settle under the tree 

while you go back to wallmart or convert to islam !

  I'm going to become a therapist in fallen  divinities .

 I would have the visit from Jehova, Quetzalcoatl ,Jupiter

 and even Maradona ! 

 I'd make love to a beautiful mahabarata princess

all scented with sandal wood ! 

 And who knows ,I'll get rid of that damn' karma 

after 7 billions years of reflection and as many  illuminations !

   Bye, my dear Buddha w'ell talk later ! 

       (Zen soto )




  • Author: lorenz (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 9th, 2025 10:28
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 10
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  • sorenbarrett

    One can not take anything too seriously even religion. A fun read.

    • Lorenz

      yes ! zen soto spirit !

    • Ellen Marsell

      A clever and humorous take on wisdom and modern life.

      • Lorenz

        the Buddha has a great sens of humor !

      • Mutley Ravishes

        Have you let your hair grow a little longer these days?!

        • Lorenz

          I've always kept the hairstyle of my youth !

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