daddy wasnt there


You were there when I needed you
to catch me if I'd fall
But daddy didn't love me
he didn't care at all
When I was sick, you cured me
made sure I was ok
but daddy never did that
because he went away
you put me in this life
and were always there for me
but daddy wasn't there
it was hard for him to see
I was tucked into bed
and was kissed good-night
but daddy was never there
to turn off the light
you held me close to you
every time I fell
But daddy didn't crack
he stayed inside his shell
so thank you mom, for being there
even if daddy’s away
I'm always here to be with you
because I know you here to stay
I love you mom with all my heart,
so please don't leave my side
don't turn into daddy,
because daddy lied
I will always be your helper,
I will always be your friend
just let me know
that your mother comfort will never end

  • Authors: starrlee
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: July 31st, 2010 13:24
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 147
  • Users favorite of this poem: SOLO, a soldiers wife13
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  • Sue

    I feel your pain dear friend.... coz my daddy too wasnt there but somehow the strength that my mum has instilled in me helps me fight ......
    this is good

  • Vember-Reigh

    amazing poem . 🙂

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