

Fall comes almost too early

Bringing with it distant memories

Wings shifting and stirring about

Bright colors of the landscape almost cease


Covered in a new autumn coat

All the world will soon change

Missing now are the lively little birds

That once so sweetly chirped and sang


Clouds begin to covet a darkness

As the leaves lose their places

Heavier coats show upon the scene

Pulled up around chilled faces


Pools of water begin to freeze

And each new day beckons a little cold

Soon, all will be gently covered

When the winter storms take their hold


  • Author: bigwolf (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 14th, 2013 10:40
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 19
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  • diamonddagger

    So true. It seems as though the pleasant days are so short nowaday and autumn comes to fast. I loved this poem and its reverent sadness.

    • bigwolf

      Thank you diamond, I'm glad you liked this poem.

    • baj-a

      you created some vivid images of autumn and the pending winter that follows. beautifully written.

    • bigwolf

      Thanks baj-a

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