I Smile Back


I Smile Back

I wear a mask by smiling back

But underneath I'm about to crack

They all say that I"ll be okay

But I don't know if I'll live to see the next day

I try to move on and forget my pain

But in the end, I'm going insane

I pick my head up but the weight is heavy

Carrying my burdens, even when I'm not ready

The struggle is real, I cannot fall

So I smile and say it's nothing at all

  • Author: JamieX (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 31st, 2016 11:04
  • Comment from author about the poem: I'm not really a writer or poet. I just felt that writing could be a good outlet for me. The only 2 poems I have written, I have posted. So please feel free to give me some feedback. I am currently struggling with depression among other medical problems so if they seem dark or sad, then that's why.
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 59
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  • Susan

    I cannot say I know your pain but I speak from my own personal pain. I spiritually let go and released all to highest power out in the universe and I found pure love. You are loved and thanks for sharing.

  • drgnchaser

    loved it, can't wait to see more from you

  • drgnchaser

    I suffer from schizo effective tendencies, I hear voices really bad all the time, sometimes not the best voices either. I am suicidal when really depressed and instead of acting on the impulses I right it out in poetry. It sometimes helps to get it out of me constructively. I hope you enjoy and understand why I am so dark at times.

    Your not alone

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