Take advantage of the Hell of life


Life is short, so be happy 'n get high. Life is short, be better off when you die. Never take advantage of, or cause your sister/brother strife. Shoot for rewards in your after life. Why do we need money, power 'n pleasure? Does it really make our lives any better? Many are starving, disabled 'n work in ways we would never do? While the other guy could be thinking "I want to be the first to have a house on the moon". Slavery, tourcher 'n disgusting crimes of sin. You'd actually be better off if other inmates beat you up for it. Paying for our iniquities on earth, that's the way to go. If we wait till we die, what will come? "I don't know." So whenever someone unfairly causes your day to turn to night, remind yourself of this, it's a blessing in disguise, so cheer up, it's just out of our sight.

completely original by Peter Sarrio

  • Author: pete33928 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 26th, 2016 00:16
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 38
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  • Tony36

    Great write

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