How Time Flies


Rushing and speeding,

Our lives seem fleeting.

Not caring who we run down

In the process of time cheating


Anxious to get

From one minute to another,

Not a moment to spare

Or to take time for one another


Hurrying and shoving

No time to waste.

Not even for kindness

Due to our relentless pace


Pushing and running

Towards the ends of our lives,

But complaining in turn

About how our time flies

  • Author: notapoet (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 26th, 2016 07:50
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • Tony36


    • notapoet

      Thank you.

      • Tony36


      • willyweed

        yes I sometimes wonder why everyone rushes to the red light at the corner. your poem is very well stated and constructed! a joy to read. ww

        • notapoet

          Thank you sir.

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