

You've got your head in your hands 

Ashamed of what you've done 

 But you can't seem to let it go 

How many times has this happened 

How many times before you learn 

How many times must i tell you 

To think before you open the door


Feel the tears fall down

Just let it all out

You might feel better 

You might feel lighter 

You'll float higher in the sky 

Forget about gravity 

Just keep flying free 

Until you realize that you forgot how to fly


You fall back down 

Down to the ground 

Landing on the concrete 

You slowly get back up

And you walk away

Staring down at your feet 

Waiting for tomorrow 

Just waiting for tomorrow 

Hoping for a change

Hoping you will change




  • Author: Kohara (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 18th, 2016 04:21
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 47
  • Users favorite of this poem: Jondoe909
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Comments +


  • Jondoe909

    love all your work on here can really relate to its depth and darkness

    • ShadedSorrow

      Thank you, i tend to write when I feel upset, which is usually all the time. So my poetry reflects my thoughts and feelings. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot.

    • Augustus

      Even though we know it is wrong we keep repeating. Thanks.

    • Tony36

      Great write

    • Ternic73

      I like this poem.

      • ShadedSorrow

        Thanks so much. Its nice to know that people like my poetry.

        • Ternic73

          please feel free to read mine and let me know what you think. I would appreciate it

        • DeathInGrey

          This is amazing

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