"THINK; Know Truth, WRITE: Know Truth, READ; Know Truth"
Pxalm XII: X factory, Idiocy: imagined, theorized, partly written and typed by: King B. Rite - The Poet/Psychopath
Estrangely; The Greatest Brave Back Writer of all... I AM psychotically philosophisticated; i profit from all that i have ate, obese my mind state... Wide awake, insomniac slash pyromaniac... I place a different spin on the ring of fire; a ferris wheel of unfortunateness... As i continue to twirl my baton/scepter with the tip of my point of view, i take The Walk of infamousy; with no shame being ahead of the game; i hunt with a haunt, i thrive my own survive...
a strut down The Corridor... I close my eyes and swing back my head that is sprung by a sway of arrogance, chest pumped by the fist that once punched the grounds in order to dig a grave for my own: The Pit of Curiosities and a crater of hate for hyperactive hypothetical hypocrites that refuse to take a quantum leap away from faith due to their weakness... If they let go of all that they own; purchased by Numerical Illusion that contradicts their pseudo-practice due to that common catch phrase that is printed upon the label as false advertised TRUST? …along with false belief their existence will be that much more pathetic and pointless... With no cranium thorns they burn in my New Found Hail they can not ram a bullet that was shot from a double barrel, i am projectil’d in more than one direction all at once more than once; a face lift to those that look down on me; i wave my bragging rights only to welcome them into my HAILLISH farewell; i flutterbye before i die once again, nothing to lose and nothing to gain. ... One Knee me... UNDEFEATED as seed, as TREE, i propagate with selfish urination: I Hate I... The Hatest of All as KING, I MAJESTY... Where is my one knee upon all those that look down on me from down below, they see my feet as i continue to grow; roots do have a purpose only to prove that dirt can be punctured and pierced by PRIDE. out of shape and into a ribbed shaft, I trunk as a trump; facially im carded as KING of Luck due to being sutra’d by Karma View, club’d over the head with my lucidness; I AM vivid to depict... Caged and enraged, i can only express sinceriously, deliriously and delusional to the realistic descriptive details; to my noose for it hangs heads in the shape of shame... With a targetless audience that continues to grow; affordable FUN for the whole bunch of bananas that hang from the limb of TREE... At no cost spine chilling attractions can be depicted as advertised with The Cosmetic Arts of Physics: the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, speech or other false FUNdamental dysFUNctions... Where is the reality; down graded and devilutioned to believe all that it sees is true; under the influence of a plague that places illusion in the minds of weakness; Propagandistism... If not so; i ask with prideful arrogance to a slave that is no longer blind to mythmatical vystical metaphors: Vzalchemy, XEN, and VzalXENy... TRUTH? How long ago was it invented, discovered, reinvented, commercialized, then profitted off of lost profits only to keep modern slaves in arm’s reach... all and every follower of false belief are apprehended to fiction, due to the overwhelming collection of translation, transcripts are more than likely READ as is and have lost more elaborations to each explanation given with mush respect, i do not believe in rumors past down from generation to generation... With no visual proof; i can not believe what i am told by all those that do not have a word of their own... Class act clown, i dunce my dignity in order to see the true colors of others; i psychologist as schizoid; losing my mind in order to find out; i have no respect left to give... Characterized by separation due to statistics, stereotypically; schism it is... I place a spasm attack upon the sheep that see a werewolf in the distance that provides a howl so thrilling it brings thrills to the black sheep that are casted out of the White Lie Jurisdiction of the greener side of defense; as mechanism i defend my rights, who would not brag... If it must be done right a selfish King must do what no other slave is willing to do; lack of experience can discourage any Pride; i tame no flame... With a mane ablaze the invisible fabric of existence; oxygen ripples around the tip of each point of heat... One of the main (mane?) functions of the hair pulling triggers of my grasp around my overgrown headache toppers as intimidation. Imagine a slave that’s just been startled by the way a King arches his back, pumps up his chest, and sticks its hair on end . A King’s mane serve a similar function as this typical behavior; the size and density of the mane can imply a KING appears larger; objects in The Corridor of mirrors are closer than they appear; my filthy reflection is READ between each line, double crossed and dotted more than once; I AM an optical illusion to the mind... a safety to one’s own is highly suggested with no warning shot. The convexity of KING can give slaves a useful field of point of views only to see the wider perspective of what is actually taking place in an experimental hectic habitat surrounded by slaves with no helping hands, in the area of a concreted jungle; A massive messiah warns no slave to read the surgeon general warning: reading causes mental matter to multiply, eyes to be pried, mouth hushed and hearts to feel feelings that were meant to be felt; offensive; i question the definition? An unpleasant attack of insults with a position of attitude: KING WITH A ATTITUDE... An attribute of authenticity; my posture implies i stand corrected, once again with a mood swing that bipolars my polar opposite disposition of haughty temperament; I hiss as Cobra and therefore more threatening than ever before, warning away possible opponents; lack thereof.
The intimidating appearance ties into the second function of the mane: a symbol of health and potency. A slave would be wise to keep its distance from a King with an especially thick, lush mane, not only because it puffs him up in the neck and chest region, but because its very existence indicates serious POWER.
... All the while so called egotistic professionals/ indoctrinated harlequins of academics; educated by instruction with lack of experience of the up and downs of existence; a roller coaster of HAIL... The BIG ONE is back; feel the MAGIC upfront out of a big top hat; a rabbit that holds moments in hand in the shape of a Numerical pendulum; a memento of momentum at the velocity of in syn xight... A metronome moreless; only to Write music that blows the mind Blew as words are Read; A Maestro of a magistrate... As for the court jesters of existence convert ancient gold into dirt with an elementary way of placing fiction over fact... Due to not having the same experiences and being a mind witness to each event, along with not being granted the rights to write such masterpiece... They rewrote historical prophecy in the likeness of their narrow minded absents... No quarrel with a book; for a SCRIBE; I AM... A collector moreless of pages that have opinions of what isnt spoken about out loud due to the over populated ignorance that continues to be mentally enslaved and easily controlled by propagandaistism... I continue to search through out all the smut and dirt... I AM DUST... Ash to ash; i will be burned post flames ablaze... Do i see any reason to resist arrest; FEARDOM gives me the right to exPRESS and SPEAK my mind... As day in and day out i am ask “ what is on your mind?” …do not ask if fragile minds will be effected and emotions will be offended; i advocate my own as attorney of law; i gratify my gravity... as RINGMASTER of a Majesty; i conduct a concoction “i do not place the lotion upon slave as lubrication; I ENTER MINDS with force fornication a side show of an introduction to mayhem... “WELCOME TO THE GREATEST HAIL OF CHAOS... FAULT” …capitalizing the fun in dysFUNctional is a carnival away from over grown egos; mongoloid with counterfeit confidence in hand as a prop to flaunt on a stage of a self portrayed act of attraction; supernatural freaks of nature that can not control their own bodily functions in which they hand over their fecal mass to each other in the form of a pie eating contest... Eating away their own dignity they place their Numerical Illusion where they speak out of term, only so they can try and taste a bit of higher power in the form of a disrespected figment that no longer exists due to the actions that take place; where is the TRUST now? Slaves should act as if existence has been around for decades and evolve into GREATNESS! When all is said and done where is the FUN at the end of invisible colors that wrap a gift given in order to see that the present is awaiting to be revealed as a empty promise once given out of mere pity for lower than dirt specimens that don’t appreciate the fact that they were created in a cradle of feces only to smell their own release being wiped out by their own hands... A circus like environmental disorder conduct can only conclude that an obese bearded dame has sung the last song; that starves for the attention of a hunk that can lift more than a ton analogized as a “pick up”on to replace the confidence that lacks in between his two legs; crossed down to the lower case “t” and a double dotted “i” to imply i have ballistically released yet another money shot; When all that is Read flows straight to the head in a single shot, a blow to the chest... Can cause a heart to attack, in hand; a stroke of madness can be seen as hysteria; historically I AM innovated; ahead of all those that continue to hold on... I hold no hand that does not hold on to my dictum; a formal understatement to what i am trying to imply; my over grown opinion that continues to expand in growth due to the way i stroke my madness out of a big top hat... Come one, come all...
King B. Rite (Pseudonym) (
- Published: September 24th, 2016 17:18
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 23
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