"How to Lust a Queen; King Sutra" imagined, theorized, partly written and typed by: King B. Rite - The Poet/Psychopath
I forcefully grab ahold of my selfish senses in order to gain full control over my own actions once again and throw my beloved Zenith across the way of Chamber Two as she flees the scene, upon the bed of roses that will be used as a crime, to conceive, to control, to conquer.
I concur with the way she allows me to violently act upon a fetish like fantasy of a violent fornicated worst case scenario; as I stampede in her direction with an over grown erection I begin the flex my pecs… with a flick of my index I insinuate I will not only switch the lights on in Chamber Two to set the mood from Blew to an orgasmic collection of colors as advertised in fiction written in order to seduce the Queen; a Reign Bow of flames will ignite the walls of shame into an obsession for the attention of a King’s over grown Intuition, all slaves saliva the lips with a drool of ecstasy, the explosion of; …with meaningful explanation to the question that leaves mouths dry post ignorance… no spit, now swallow my pride!
With a guilty smile, I innocently smirk my silver grin into a lip licking contest, the way her lips gleam in the center of her undivided attention, spread open as if the lower region of a female can be analogized as an open garden in order to plant a seed of deceit of loving manufactured euphoria! finger licking at its best, the tip of your clitoral senses has me lit with a stronghold of blood flow, shed Read to match the pedals that have been pulled out of place, “I am enigma to solve” Zenith whispered
“No Problem! Replied... I am obsessed with obstacles and the mind of a feminine will be a challengeless opportunity to exploit the selfishness of inconsiderate male slaves that do not know how to open the mind of their significant other let alone a door and pull out a throne for their only chance of survival, without a vessel; no name nor bones covered in blood under undead flesh will carry on a pathetic name that does not strive on survive!
Insignia is the solution to the equation; mathematically insane with love I can add that you and I equals Me (squared); I will live long post death, clonated in blood, bones, flesh and a name that will bleed Read Words continuously; due to the way a child looks up to ones own creator, a role to play as a model is to show others how to master The Art of Act… as I stay in motion my actions will speak louder than Read Words and teach my far fetched future; seed to be how to be with out wanting to be like any other; authenticity is valuable in a Chaos… Fault full of fecal mass that all stench the same Post Meridian!
…ancient words of advice can be quoted as seen on pages of vintage alchemy prior to the prediction of the almighty purge; The Plague of all Plagues: Propagandistism: false advertised high hope leads others down a stream of long lost Unfortunate Memories.
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a King, I put the ways of childhood beliefs behind me.” I on the other hand will not treat my child as a child, a King perhaps will grow that much more thicker than I ever was as Tree, now that I leaf, I can only imaginate the possibilities of Evilution if preach became practice!”
…yet to be released with pure love, as white as lies I will spread a rumor so massive it legs the grounds in to being fornicated by only one mind! …will be a piece to never forget, master the mind greater than I …have ever been; only to compete with yester’me, a never ending competitive mirror image that extends as I gain growth in my lower region of my anatomy is the process of Evilution, I repeat: do not look back, do not give up, do not second guess intuitiveness, a repetitive stroke of madness can conclude that a reptilian that hisses; licks away the pain that drips from a clit only to visit with conjugal intentions, the more the merrier! paint does drip from a point of view that is erected by an epiphany “Eureka of Eulogy”…
a Name’Soul Brave: Insignia will lead after I decide to take action upon that which will have me grounded permanently… I am loved to death and hated with purity the emotion of hate can not be pretended as much as the fake tolerableness of love: I HATE I; MORE than those that show no regards to their thoughts; selfishly inconsiderate of them selves towards their own actionless thoughts; potentialless cowards , act upon and place a finger on my head or speak with out respect and consequences will be more than imaginable. how I adore the authentic emotions towards me!
by the vixen of my lucidity; If I could have it any other way I would of had it much sooner than now; awaiting the release in the form of romantic intimacy; a way to express a selfish like action that is taken place only to feel the explosion of matter at the velocity of in syn xight as it expands the euphoria of mental matter. A climatic exploitation of explaining how an unseen speck can influence more than the size of ego; in comparison Intuition is kept well unhidden in the eye of the public; indecent exposure no longer is a secret from those that are “into wishing” waiting for an unfair hand out to be given without a cost to pay, a price upon my head, wanted dead more so alive and well; breathing the same amount of breath of my enemies that have tried to attack me with an immature threat; the location of a King’s palace is unseen astrally speaking… navigation with a far fetched future apparatus that can not calculate the amount of ignorance it takes to claim to “BE MADE” when in fact never ending stress is the majority of ones mental state, a foolish owner and operator would say such opinion in front of sweat drenched slaves, an inconsiderate useless speck that was can not understand the definition of the word “MADE” when in fact all that is owned; a “pass’me down”; poverty bound! Do keep in mind professionalism is required when dealing with the cards that have been dealt in order to reveal that all that glitters does not gold?
Each breath I breathe can bring forth a revenge in the form of pain; I do not wish to be in existence with any other; introvertedly I am selfishly perverted touching myself in the private of my own domestic jurisdiction; minding my own affair; as I open my eyes each mourn and I am asked “What is on my Mind; I claim no lie as my property, I must answer rhetorically due to the amount of reverse psychology I return the favor in the form of matter/facts; what seems more important, the cost of living or the pride in existence! “In loving Memory; Infamously” …only to feel satisfaction out of my mental disorder; i release my pain, agony, in the formation of “Fear Fantasy” a collided collage of collection, mere illusion with sheer existence; I cut my wist with a dedication, my ambition has me hung by a post, the determination it takes, my strength is insane, courageously addicting: a death wish will have me killed, more than enough pages left behind, a legend, a myth will be born out of “The Death of Me” so I strongly suggest with guts “TAKE ME OUT”; the pleasure is all mine.
…for more than they can afford to purchase occupational humor with lack of trust funds due to poor judgment from The Sky Above, courtesy; lack there of… they are Hail bound by possession; possessed; moreless, what posses them to possibly assume they are worth any value when covered head to toe with the property of another’s ejaculation covered in smut… successful survival of another; a baby shower for those that have open arms for a “MONEY SHOT” to the face as it drips so does their face in shame… lips attached to those that were once in my place; at the bottom of the barrel; looking up aiming for the farthest constellation with unlimited ammo due to the lack of fear! …as they brag about the cost of living they spend more on what matters in the least of concerns versus trying to accomplish goals. Due to lack of potential; I suppose being a slave to materialistic insecurity is all that they have to claim as being what defines there lack of authenticated existence; wrong to claim such fact when in matter they have the polar opposite critique towards those that can not afford to stand the sight for poor judgment. The periodic table of contents has turned yet another page into Valchemy!
I bleed, Zenith will bleed, we will bleed as one… the blood we will share has no shame, INSIGINA will be in the form of a New Found Mind; a clonated King passed down created in likeness Greatness should be expected out of a lower specimen; the process of Evilution is to pass down survival tactics in order to remain the last standing; in correction if no other can withstand the sight of a victorious warrior, one can only assume competition is only a great as the one who tries at least… last is not the worst position in a marathon a targetless audience that watching from the sidelines speaking of the those that lose can contradict the opinions of those that do not put words into action? If a better way to execute a action is suggested and expressed by another I expect an example and to meet the high standards of what they expect out of the one that sweats, amaze me and break a sweat, carry the weight, ding the dignity, where is the pride now… I assume reading the words of their King!
King B. Rite (Pseudonym) (
- Published: September 25th, 2016 00:09
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 15
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