(XERO-10) "A Planet Unknown; A Story Untold" imagined, theorized, partly written, and typed by: King B. Rite - The Poet/Psychopath
Start to see... without being blind to insight, as i think, i think with a mind obsolete. My thoughts are only figments; this i do believe. My imagination has got the best of me; it attaches to my existence as an extension. I get lost in a world of transition; where life is unseen. Deliberately depicted by minds that dictate alike. I can not describe for the descriptions hide inside of me, with all my might I try; my best is yet to come: (XERO-10) how does this begin?
No idea of thought as i write; whats been left or right. It may be wrong of me to kiss a deadly wish goodbye followed by an undying way of life; told in the eyes of an unborn mind. I'll try to find... A collection of lost unfortunate memories. Never again will i forget unless i die before i write. The more i read you'll start to see a planet inhabit the orbit around the hemispheres in your head.
A radiant crown that ignites with the thoughts of cynical illuminations; will be invisible to the untrained eye. The colors that create existence will accompany the rays of light that indefinably out shine above the mind that forsakes its own life to deliver liberated lies...
Save your self for this is a right way to die; with truth on my side, my colors become true. In between the line is now read; easily confused to be mistaken as for (BLU-MOON). You will never know until you know the truth and when you do it will be knew.
On to (BLU-MOON); continued to be... Not what you think. Completely empty canvas of a planet well known; soon to be. A planet of new; A planet ten times further than who knew. What you thought can not be true... Now follow my words; i adore... Never before what you think. I know now you never knew not what you did; so confused. don't be Blew!
...For the planet unknown (XERO-10) the planet of Read; remains to be the color of Blew! Who is Blew; A rabbit some what confused, curious as can be without a doubt. He obtains no clue, no answer to any questions; his mind has blown exaggeration too far to think about explaining. Lack of thought is all he has to be lost. "Don't think just do"! Blew once heard... Never mind Blew for now he'll never mind you any how.
Back to (XERO-10) where it all begins considered as the planet of Read; for one must think before they read to see the blasphemy that inhabits me. Covered in forbidden flesh, flooded by forgotten blood, unbroken by despicable bones, and smothered by creatures and beasts all alone. Where all entities roam; out this world with unearthly description as is, it has been written. In words reread again and again. I forbid you to listen, close your eyes and open your mind to impossibilities undreamed; will usually come alive within a reasonable amount of life. Only told by a nameless soul. Now travel the distance, high above the sky so red. Past the stars, over the dead, further more darkness from whence i once came... Before i continue to write, I'll tell you no names, I'm unsure of risks you take... Some might say its way too late:
Option A.) Is to turn the page and continue my pain, while i prey.
Option B.) is to turn back now and judge the cover for what it's worth. Possibly two cents; too late efficiently non the less inflation has come into play...
(XERO-10) lack of understanding will lead you to close your mind's eye, inhale... Release every bit of breath you took, give it back as you take a second look. Begin to reread again between the lines within sight. I'm sure you'll count on me to explain the lives of the planet of Read; entities. They will be visible more than depicted figments... I suggest you to continue to read until you turn blue.
...as unreal as this might sound, it wont be heard in correct words rewritten in a sense to collect. A past over due debt will be settled with a vengeful message times seven. It seems completely true. No need to believe unless you consume every word you read, Precise to perfection. Which is impossible to meet in the minds who criticize with hypocritical tongues. Abide by no reason to respect life for what it is. Common senseless more-less.
Now start to see continually perhaps the probability of possibility is quite unimaginable. I have lost count with out sleep depravation; wide awake, insomnia. I pleasantly dream in a comatose state of mind. I number lost sheep as they rest. Lucid as i explain vivid pictures i can paint to drive myself insane; to a point out the direction of my own views. No return is expected when directed in a B line of success; revenge i expect.
I with hold a key idea embedded in my soul, printed in pain; upon my arm is an un-bled heart. Only to help you find what has been lost in my head. Call me insane for i am in-content with my insanity. Insignia I am; sorry i do not apologize for not knowing how to cope with lost high hope with that being read, its been said "you'll never know unless you try" ...to reach the new end with me; A story untold; A planet unknown. (XERO-10) it has begun; A kingdom of done is in Fin never the less. The new end will be eternal existence; re-begin to INSINITY.
...Winds blow, whispers and whistle are seen from a long distance away and around in the same place. Ashes and dust intertwine as mountains are consumed by valleys above, where a massive amount of music erupts. The air so thick its more than mist; gold flakes and silver sleet are conducted by a symphony of winds that fill the void in between the valley above the center of attention Salvation at last. No sign of life in fright when lighting strikes, over the silver clouds and underneath the skies so red; when darkness ignites. No place of peace is disturbed by the lack of thunder. Unpleasantness; no damsel left in distress. Teeth so red as silent lips kiss; before rumors spread the gossip admits to a token of unappreciation... It is now seen; the more i read.
Don't pretend to pay attention, a price might cost more than a saint can sloth.. With all i got, i have none to be lost. I'll give it to you if you consume; take it from me, i suggest you do independently, I do not mean; my opinion, i understand if you cant. No hard feeling felt; for this story untold is my life in a living holy hell. I do intend to tell more than i can kiss; in no life left to waste, unless i kill with deceiving looks... Mentally judged by the cover of my unread book; completely in-content, a territory beast Insignia i proclaim to be named; after the X that marks the spot, where i will sign my soul over to unknown bones reincarnated as a prisoner of a ghost, that sits upon a lonely throne thinking of a way to wish death upon a slave. Thought of revenge; is better than an unsuccessful idea of forgiveness... Lifeless birth begins the new end. A signature will signify a welcome home from hell and a holy goodbye. Until next life... I will continue to die.
...with my twisted tongue tied; mercy i will cry...
To tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but; soul, help me now.
The truth is stranger than fiction.
King B. Rite (Pseudonym) (
- Published: September 26th, 2016 05:05
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 19
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