Hedonistic princess ...
She has marked him..singled him out.
Like a wolf singles out her kill amongst the herd..
She licks her lips... soft pink pout alluring ..
She is thirsty...: driven in her need for pleasure.
Her breath quickens... eyes intense.. inviting.. challenging...
She is naked....soft silhouette of hip and thigh in the half light.
Breasts small and firm.. jutting proud with their rose tipped peaks.
Back arched, graceful curve meandering to buttocks rounded as fruits...
She raises an eyebrow ever so slightly..
An invitation to taste the sweet river of her core .
To dip his fingers in her salty cavern.. velvet soft moist pinkness..
Hidden gem within parted white thighs..
He is transfixed in her cool blue gaze,
Drawn by her girlish innocence .
Seduced by her hedonistic desires.
The mix irresistible... drawing him in with her carefree abandon.
He plunges to her salty depths., she writhes and moans with pleasure,
Her cries primeval and unrestrained,
Seeking only the exquisite beauty of coupling that is as old as time.
Feeding the fire within until it burns red hot in its intensity.
Passion a madness that is all consuming.
She cleaves to him in the final thrusts,
Spreadeagled..his body finally overpowering hers..
She surrenders...eyes liquid now... soft and content ..
Sated.. at least for now...
Camille (Pseudonym) (
- Published: October 5th, 2016 15:47
- Category: Erotic
- Views: 44
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