Everything in nature is peaceful in itself, just look at the way the squirrel sits on the shelf. Or the way that the birds hang out, do you ever wonder what they're talking about? What about how the fish swim, not worried about the dangers that might get him. The bears just go about their day, looking for food for which they can prey. Every animal has it's way, but they all just go through the obstacles to survive each day. Notice when an animal comes to something it cannot move or get around, it doesn't sit there and complain thinking about how it's bound. It simply just goes another route, and it doesn't sit there and shout, nor does it have any doubt. Us as humans are always complaining about the bump, and we complain about having to go around the lump, as a matter of a fact we typically complain about every stump. Why have we become so lazy and angry? If you accept it for what it is, then it'll be a whole lot easier when going about your biz. We need to change our lazy mind, and make all obstacles simply just stay behind, because in life there's no rewind, so stay calm and peaceful before your life starts to unwind.
BSmooth (
- Published: October 30th, 2016 21:06
- Category: Nature
- Views: 31
Wow a great poetic lesson from animals in awesome rhyme! I say we are mega complainers true. The imagery of your poem is engaging. Kudos,.
Great to read from u again.
Read them all, and please let me know how you feel
This one made me smile. Nicely done.
Thanks.. Thats what they're there for.. Glad my words made your day
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