mirror of the soul




Unless you become as little children
You shall never enter in

Unless you can be just as forgiving
Of others slights and sin

Be afraid of those who would judge others
For they will reap what they would sow

The fault you would find in others
Is reflected in the mirror of the soul



  • Author: willyweed (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 19th, 2016 20:15
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 36
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  • Tony36

    Excellent and truthful write. Words to live by, well done WW

    • willyweed

      Thank you Tony!

      • Tony36


      • Augustus

        So true. Nicely done.

        • willyweed

          Thank you Augustus I appreciate it ww.

        • WriteBeLight

          Great message and so well put!

        • willyweed

          Thanks WBL~ww

        • Christina8

          So nicely put and such excellent wisdom to live by!

          • willyweed

            Thank you Chrissy8 I appreciate your kind words.ww

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