Ice Water Mosquito


You make sure that you are surrounded by the universe 

While you manufacture the people throughout accursed

You walk around judging and disclosing fingers

Unknowingly inviting death to linger

Exhausted with the eyes and twisted mind

Act so right when you so wrong it's like you're blind

Evil bitterness must come to an end

For further preference don't come for amends

You Ice Water Mosquito

-Roman Lynx 



  • Author: K.P Savulescu (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 29th, 2016 17:44
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 27
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  • jennas

    Really well written

  • Tony36

    Well written and expressed

  • WriteBeLight

    She is one of those people who looks in the mirror and thinks, "I'm in Love, with MYSELF!" Excuse the humor but do not enable that behavior. Ignore her. If she has the ability, she will realize how hurtful and mean she is. But...maybe not. We can only change and improve ourselves. Good job on the poem, by the way...:)

    • Kimrhody

      Thank you so much, I really hope "my poetic side" really progresses.

      • WriteBeLight

        Me too!

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