The 12 Laws Plus 1 Rule


There are 12 Universal Laws,

Thought-provoking topics.

But my favorite of the dozen,

To me has the best of logic.


For now, I will touch upon,

A few that I like as well.

I suggest you look these up,

Take time on the list to dwell.


The Law of Divine Oneness,

Everything  connected to everything.

What we say and do in our lives,

Equal effect on other living things.


The Law of Action is needed,

To manifest things on Earth.

Engage in things that support,

Dreams, emotions, your self-worth.


Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,

The law that we have power within.

To improve the lives we live.

High vibes not low ones, give in.


And, related to our mental state,

Is the Law of Polarity.

Suppress and transform bad thoughts,

To strong and positive for clarity.


The other 7 on the list,

Gender, Rhythm, Relativity,

Then Compensation and Correspondence,

Vibration, Cause and Effect, in brevity.


But my favorite of the 12 laws,

Is the Law of Attraction.

Negative thoughts produce the same,

Likewise very positive action.


These are the immutable Laws.

That apparently cover the rules.

Of the life we want to live.

In the manner in which we move.


Oh, yes! Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote,

My understanding, just paraphrase,

What you think about all day long,

Will be the product of your future days.


Now, it is all up to you.

Take these with a grain of salt.

Maybe add one more, the Golden Rule,

For this one, set your default.

  • Author: WriteBeLight (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 12th, 2016 06:23
  • Comment from author about the poem: I love the Law Of Attraction. And, the Golden Rule should be as in Computer Terms, set, as our default.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 70
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  • gelyn

    I love this poem. .. actually and seriously I have 3 laws I like most

    *law of attraction- from king Solomon and rewrite by Mr. Charles Hannel. .1866-1949.and this book is priceless. .The book name is" Master Key System "..only 100 copies produced and only rich people have the copy..and they never reprint it they just passed it to their family member...
    1912 the royal families got the copy ..after 40 years Bill gates have his own copy...

    *law of forgiveness- the more you give triple you receive. ..why rich people have their own orphanage or foundation? because giving is receiving. ...

    *Law of tighting- giving you're 10% income to the the organization you are in or church. ..The window of heaven will be open for you. .. For the blessings coming from God...

    Yout poem is really great. every stanza and refreshing

    well done

    • WriteBeLight

      Wow!! Gel - thanks so much for posting this comment. Hope many people see your excellent research! I really appreciate your input. You are a Gem! Thanks!

      • gelyn

        Oh thanks ...I love attending seminars even how much it worth. .. One time the seminar title was "how to align the universe to everything you want" and the topic was all about these laws. .. ... Thanks...and you're welcome

      • Tony36

        Awesome Awesome write

        • WriteBeLight

          Thank you Tony!

          • Tony36


          • Christina8

            I have a few of my own fav laws that I like most. You did a really good job with this. I also like Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes. Great job!

            • WriteBeLight

              I love Emerson too! Thanks for the comment!

            • P.H.Rose

              Very good WBL
              Very good indeed...
              My personal favourite
              Is the law of relativity
              Everything you do has
              An equal and opposite
              Effect.... or something
              Like that....

              • WriteBeLight

                Yes - that one is great! It makes perfect sense too! I appreciate your comment! Thanks so much!

              • illia

                Fantastic read. The laws are very strange bedfellows with a lot of head ache inbetween the law of attraction wonderfully complex yet stupidly easy. Wouldn't you say. Brilliant read thankyou pipa x

              • illia

                Fantastic read. The laws are very strange bedfellows with a lot of head ache inbetween the law of attraction wonderfully complex yet stupidly easy. Wouldn't you say. Brilliant read thankyou pipa x

                • WriteBeLight

                  Yes I would agree! Some provide comfort while the others can cause some anxiety. But, it is all how you read and understand the laws relative to your lifestyle, I think. Thanks so much for comment!

                • SabreLi

                  Love the nods to Ralph Waldo Emerson; and a great uplifting piece this is. Many can learn lessons from reading this marvellous work (and some of the comments, too!). Great contribution, a pleasure to read! xx

                  • WriteBeLight

                    I really love Emerson's point of view. He is one person I would have liked to meet! I appreciate your insight and comment!

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