Why o why to myself I ask am I so unlovable am I truly that horrible a person am I so full of it that its unbearable to even try so to myself I cry and cry god my god o why o why inside I'm forced to die tho my heart it screams let's try my love attempts they'll all deny it hurts it hurts I feel I feel my cup runneth over my pain is still so please o please if peace be will just take my hurt it feels unreal the ache of woe no love in tow my boat alone I row and row in a circle to nowhere no do you love me I know its no
Reyon18 (
- Published: December 20th, 2016 19:10
- Category: Sad
- Views: 36
Please feel free to give me advice or critique its been awhile since ive written
O I see but I don't really know what a stanza is or how my poetry is supposed to flow sorry if I am bn slow this horse is a bit harder to saddle again lol
Why o why
To myself, I ask am I so unlovable?
Am I that horrible of a person?
You want each thought to be a new sentence do that the reader knows when to stop and continue on...it takes a minute to learn your own style of writing...I always freehand my originals then piece them together later..you dr not want to stop yourself when you write..let it flow and never hold back...that's my advice...read my manuscript ..it may give you some inspiration or whatever..lol. dont give up
Thank you so much
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