Why live?
If I were to die,
Fall further from the hope of happiness.
Fall deeper into dreary emptiness.
Why live?
Those few things that make me smile;
Mean nothing to the dead.
Yet the tormenting depression,
Would be instantly gone from memory.
Why do we force ourselves to live?
Through the constant chaos,
And the falsities that we deserve.
We deserve wealth and are given shit
We need happiness; and are betrayed once again,
And again,
And again.
Rich fuckers live in excess.
Leaving nothing and caring not
For the vast many. That live through the endless cycle of mentality.
The unanswered knowledge and the unspoken truth mean nothing…
If I am dead.
So why do we live?
Anonamus (Pseudonym) (
- Published: January 2nd, 2017 12:14
- Category: Sad
- Views: 64
Good poem. I think we live to give others joy. I've sometimes struggled with the question too. But many who love you would be stricken in pain if you were gone. Keep up the fight! Hope to see more of your writes!
Thank you Chrissy.
First I'd say this is very well written
you pose a tuff question, one I'm sure everyone asks them self' at one time or another. great write ww
Thank you
good poem well written. well done!
Thank you lavagirl
I've been asking myself the same questions but I've also asked myself why should I die. I don't know what's beyond this. I have so much I want to experience, so much I want to see. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I think often of how I'd do it myself. But never follow through. Whether that makes me a coward for not doing it or brace contuing to live despite wanting to die I won't know til my time comes. I want to make an impact, whether on a handful of people or to more I don't care. I want to leave a mark. I haven't done that yet.
Your comment is rich in resolve. -- phoenix
That is a great philosophy I'm not suicidal i had these thoughts but I'm better now so don't worry.
It gets better. It's hard to see sometimes. God knows that now I'm having a hard time to see it but good times will come.
I promise you that. It gets better. Even if the delight comes from your next drink of hot chocolate, to falling in love it's still a delight you feel here. My best friend killed himself 4 weeks ago. I feel really alone right now and those are words I can imagine describing how he felt in his last moments and how I feel now but it's never perminant. Don't ever kill yourself. I can see from your words that it's something that's crossed your mind. The tiltle alone. But it's truly devastating to those you leave. It broke me completely. I love him more than I can describe and he broke me by being so broken he felt he couldn't be fixed. Someone cares. Someone loves you. You're someone's child, someone's best friend, someone's everything, even if you don't feel it you are. My best friend was my everything. But now I feel so lonely.
I am so sorry for your loss that must have been devastating for you.
mjam, Until recently I was only aware of the "wanting to end it" side of things. But, you're the second person I've encountered who was on the other side, the survivor side. I'm sorry for your loss. -- phoenix
I can certainly feel your struggle. Though I don't know your struggles, I can relate. Life is so full of ebb and flow that it can be so incredibly drowning. I didn't realize how it would affect my loved ones in a negative way. Fortunately, I was found out and received treatment. Lots and lots of treatment. I'm not perfect and life is hard, but my loved ones deserve better than to suffer another loss. AND, I deserve better. AND, you will get up and brush yourself off. Moment to moment. -- phoenix
Thank you for your comment. I used to be a lot worse but just by talking with loved ones i feel better and better and i hope you do aswell
Hi I stumbled on your poem and I honestly just finished this poem lol maybe was for u to hear. 🙂
I feel you, but I cannot see you. I can hear your words with my soul. You write things in places only I understand. At a moment that is right for me. To hear you is beautiful, and warm. Yes, warm like sunlight on my face. True and pure. When I think of the sun I do not think of it as a large burning mass far off in the distance. I think of the sun as a beautiful mystery. So big so powerful. yet gentle and nurturing . It is so far from our hands, but we can still feel it. That is a touch without touch. I hate that we forget to love, to care as you do about these things that are created. See for you are the true creator, and to be lost in the mess of this world's mistakes is the truest sadness of all. We are all connected to eachother. To this beautiful dream of life. It is all around you and no where all at once. I reach for you. For your hand. For your pure heart to rescue this bruised one & I can feel the most beautiful love I have ever felt. Words can not sum the feeling of no hurt, no judgment, for I am the creation you breathed to life. I am your son or your daughter. You blessed me too feel love not to make it a burden. Mercy & forgivness are always with us. It runs through my veins as yours has since the beginging of time. Since the begining of my story & your story. For aren't we all here for a moment. A moment that is already chosen. That is already written just as I write now? My hands press these keys. Speaking of all the hidden things in my heart. In your heart. I am not scared of persecution. I do not hold that near any part of me. We forget to love you see. To really see the beauty in places. The creation of life in the light within and even in sadness & sorrow too. I am not alone and neither are you. We wrap our present you see, because it is a suprise. A beautiful secret. It is special when it is given and receive. Balanced. The present is love. Never forget that.
Rose F.
That is very powerful well written rose
Ty took me a while to write lol had to let my heart speak I hope u feel better about everything.
Thank you
Great write,
Thank you tony.
Great question. I'm there with you.
I hope we both feel better in time.
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