Atonement Assurance


Fits tune: University College

('Oft in danger, oft in woe')


I shall bring a song to you

Something old or something new

You who gave yourself for me

Offering, sacrifice I see


For in you Lord, we set free

Laws of Moses ne'er could be

Enough to redeem our soul

You come to us, make us whole


But for olden days suffice

Animals paid the sin price

Substitutes, for humans stood

Permanent atone, ne'er could


'Til the New Covenant came

Things then remained ne'er the same

Christ did come the way to make

Lay His life down for our sake


That we forgiven, restored

In repenting are assured

That our sins taken away

By Him, so dawns our bright day


For none can themselves here save

But Christ the way He did pave

For mankind, salvation brings

And now joyful praises ring


Life eternal granted sure

Peace with God for evermore

Lord I trust with all my heart

Spirit fill me, every part



  • Author: orchidee (Online Online)
  • Published: February 27th, 2017 12:20
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in format. Atonement can be at-one-ment.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 23
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  • WriteBeLight

    A very good prayer!

    • orchidee

      Thanks Write.

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