

You have 31536000 seconds in a year

2628002.88 in a month

86400 in a day

60 in a minute

do you know how these seconds are spent

Every 31536000 seconds 3,999,386 babies will be born

Every 31536000 seconds 55.3 million people will die

Every 31536000 seconds 34,000 people will commit suicide 

Every 31536000 seconds 3.2 million kids will be bullied

what will you do to help?

every 2628002.88 seconds 230 million tons of food is wasted 

every 2628002.88 seconds a smoker will spend $640 on their addiction 

Every 2628002.88 seconds about 38391 kids will go missing

every 2628002.88 seconds 145,000 jobs will be lost

what will you do to help?

Every 86400 seconds a US adult will eat 5.46 pounds of food

every 86400 seconds 48 children and teens are killed due to gun violence 

every 86400 seconds 160,000 teens skip school because of bullying 

every 86400 seconds your heart will beat about 104,000 times 

what will you do to help?

Every 60 seconds 2,040 trees will be cut down in the rainforest

every 60 seconds 3 violent crimes will happen in the United States

every 60 seconds 18 deaths will be from starvation

every 60 seconds The US national debt will increase by over $3 million

what can we do to help?

make sure that you spend 

your seconds helping someone

Living life to the fullest 

don't waste a second

because those seconds

those tiny little seconds

will start to add up

until you are out of time

  • Author: Crow (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 18th, 2017 16:25
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 124
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