

I hate going to bed 

Because I'm scared of what I'll see

A thousand thoughts race through my head

It's a never ending cycle stuck on repeat 

It's just a bunch of "what ifs"

And things that will never happen 

But a girl can dare to dream can't she?

When she's lost all hope in the everyday things 

But what happens when you can't tell which one is worse

The thoughts in your head as you lay there 

Or the countless dreams of an almost pair 

The two worlds seem to blend and smear 

All that is not what it seems 

I close my eyes and feel my nightmares shift slowly into dreams

I am stuck in a dreamland. 

  • Author: k_dovexo (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 20th, 2017 14:40
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 109
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  • willyweed

    nicely done~ dreams poems are good ~ a bit like Poe! write on ww

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