

You could be my go to
When I'm feeling up or if ever I am down
You can hold the key
To turning any frown around

You could be my go to
Please say that you will
When we're old and gray
Choose to be loving me still

You could be my calm
In the raging wars of doubt
Lifting me from oblivion
With all of your stout

You could be my go to
When I need a place to hide
To the greatest depths
You will penetrate inside

I will show you my weaknesses
And all of my strengths
To walk a mile with you
I would go the furthest distance and to any length

Everyday we spend
Is just better than the last
We'll plan our futures together
And reminisce of our pasts

You could be my go to
A ladder when I'm too short to climb, or a blanket when I'm cold
They'll be so much in store for us
When together our lives unfold

You could be my go to
We'll make the perfect team
We'll tackle this life together
It'll be such a dream

You could be my go to
And one day I'll let you in
It'll be our day, the day
When our new great life begins

You could be my go to
And I know it in my soul
You'll become the air I breath
We'll be as one together with a love that only grows

You could be my go to
How does that sound
We'll shower each other with tender kisses
And live in happiness with all the love we've found

You could be my go to
Don't you think it would be grand
If I could be your women
And you were to be my man




  • Author: vvnrose (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 1st, 2017 08:11
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 23
  • Users favorite of this poem: Angel Smileyface
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Comments +


  • WriteBeLight

    Very well done!

  • Bibbeck

    Lovely write!
    I hope that you have a 'go to' that has fulfilled at least a part of that daydream.

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