The Garden


There once was a garden where everything died

Even the birds had flown off to hide

The mighty oaks had lost all of their branches

As for the flowers , long ago had they all of their chances

Even the sky turned black as it scurried by

Then all of the great clouds had to cry and cry

The floods could not wash away the pain

Those who lived there died or went insane

Laughter had been banned years ago

The crow's kaw kaw was never a show

The only sound that was to be heard

Was the wail of the violin's unearthly words

Under moonlit shadowy night

The strings cried blood and tears forthright

Even the moon overcome lost one dusty tear

For the life missing after all of these years

One day the cry of the music stopped

The last string had finally popped

The violin laid down in the ground

There was never again another sound

And years had now gone on by

No one living then was left alive

There had been a revolt or so

Flowers once again started to grow

Trees sprouted out and began to bud

You could once again feel life's gentle nudge

The grass carpeted the woodland floors

Happiness returned to all once more

Now all had forgotten about the missing violin

But sometimes if you listened to the midnight's wind

You can hear it while it goes about tuning

For all of it's sins had long been forgiven



  • Author: swingline (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 15th, 2017 07:15
  • Comment from author about the poem: On the evening of February 28 ,1936 a violin made by Antonio Stradivari of Creona in 1713 was stolen backstage at Carnegie Hall . It belonged to Bronislaw Huberman , a virtuoso , and sadly he never saw his beloved Strativarius again . Fifty years later Julian Altman confessed on his death bed to his wife to buying the violin for $100 dollars from a friend . (doubtfull) Three years later after inspection and apraisal it was turned over to Lloyds of London , the insurers who had paid $30,000 to Huber man for his loss . Mrs Altman was paid a finders fee of $263,000 and Lloyds later sold the violin for $1.2 million to Norbert Brainin , of English fame .
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 57
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  • WriteBeLight

    Excellent poetry swingline! Great story as well.

  • swingline

    Thank you WriteBeLight for reading and leaving a comment .

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