

​​​​​​​Enemies of the past

Wondering how long it will last

The fear of you I do not have

For you to think that is rather sad 

You do not pose a threat to me

Someday finally you will see 

The violence I have overcome 

Apparently has not gotten there for some

We seem to be at different levels

With different scores, different settles

With no thoughts of friendship

Let me let you in on a little tip 

The level of my maturity 

A level where you don't seem to be 

Where only now matters, forgetting the past 

Because everyone knows the future is coming fast 

 Where being myself means more 

Where i'm happy right down to my core

An acceptance of what i cant change

Seeing what i can at full range 

Where bills are more than a task 

Letting me know I have my own back 

Where life isn't a game and people are not pawns 

Where life is living with all the rights and all the wrongs 

A mind I can control, A mind I can call home 

Because being mature is about understanding not just being grown  

  • Author: grindbaby16 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 31st, 2017 21:13
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 69
  • Users favorite of this poem: hidden.shine
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  • hidden.shine

    You voice great truth and you have astounding rhyme within this!

    Well done.

  • Sammertheone

    Beautiful! Very well put. Your are strong, keep your head high and smile!

  • Louis Gibbs

    Congratulations on the level of maturity you have clearly attained, grindbaby! Strong poem, I especially like the last line, it speaks volumes.

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