I Want To Be the one..

Krystal Brewington

      I want to be the one,

That lights up your sky.

That putss A shine in your eyes.

That makes you,

Wake up full of happiness.


The one to give you,

More love then you've had before.

That gives you hope.


That is there for you,

No matter what your going through.


         I want to be the one

That sets Your heart on fire.

 to show you light

When your life is full of darkness.

That wakes up next to you every morning.


The one that's there 

To hold you up,

When all your strength

Has gone away.


To be a friend

When no one else is.

To always believe in you,

Even when you don't believe in yourself.


      I want to be the one

That when you are

Fighting a battle,

To be by your side,

Fighting with you.


The one you know

Is your ride it die. 100%.

The one to hold your hand,

Until the day we die.


That loves you through

All the ups and downs,

For all you are, will be and do,

The good, the bad, the great and sad.


And that no matter what happens,

Stick by your side till the end.

As long as i am around,

you'll never be alone again.







  • Author: Krystal Brewington/Poore (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 12th, 2017 01:18
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
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  • The Invisible

    Most great. I know I want that, I wish for someone to be like in my life, even if it's as friends. Great writing.

  • Krystal Brewington

    Thank you so much.. And I'll be your friend. If you like. And once I'm a friend I am for life and I'll be there any time you need me

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