
private poet

In your hands

my love has grown,

A man of few words

instead you've shown,

With you in my life

I can forget old fears,

The doubts that haunted me

all through the years,

Wrapped up in your arms

cradled and warm

I feel safe

protected from harm

You fill me up

you make things right

You have given me back

my love of life

With you beside me

I hope I will find

What we are all looking for

True peace of mind

  • Author: Private Poet (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 25th, 2017 06:51
  • Comment from author about the poem: I wrote this poem in 2002 when I fist met my husband. Although it was in the very early days of our relationship it turned out to be so true. My husband died very suddenly in January of this year. As I was sorting through papers this one came to light so I wanted to share it. I found a second one which I will also share called 'Ken'.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 54
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  • burning-embers

    That's a beautiful poem PP. I hope you were rewarded with years of happiness and love. Many wonderful times to look back upon. Bless you.

    • private poet

      We had fifteen years together. We had both been through dreadful divorces and we thought the dark days were behind us. In 2010 he asked me to marry him and on 4th June 2012 I was proud to become his wife. Family quarrels with his children over his will are heartbreaking. Poetry is a channel for feelings I cannot express in my everyday life. Everyone just wants to see that I am coping. Thanks for taking the time to read my poem xx

      • burning-embers

        I joined here about 3 or 4 weeks ago and really pleased i did. Reading other peoples output can help you find ways to release those knotted jumbled feelings and express them in words. I find my writing theraputic. People here are very helpful and supportive. Maybe you'll let us see more of your writing.

      • Louis Gibbs

        He exudes goodness and contentment, and reflects the qualities your poem portrays. A fine tribute to a special man, p. p. Welcome to MPS!

        • private poet

          Thank you for your kind words. It helps xx

        • charlesbarrett

          Beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing. And Im very sorry for your loss.

        • Tony36

          Well written and expressed

        • willyweed

          Love is grand

          • private poet

            Yes and I feel very lucky to have experienced such a great love. I know that some people never find their soulmate. Thank you for your kind words and for reading my poem x

            • willyweed

              You are very welcome and yes you have been blessed to know love, and also true love waits so in time I suspect you will meet again. peace and love for you! ww

            • onepauly

              I read a lot of poetry today and this is one of the few that deserves to be called a poem. I really enjoyed it. sad for your loss.

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