I just want to drop dead. This world is so gorgeous to everyone but me. I only see the ugly, the flaws, the imperfections. It's easy to see the whole world from an outside perspective. But it's not easy to escape it when you're already free to be who you want because no one wants you on their team. Can I drop dead? They say I'm too ugly, too dumb, not intact mentally. Me and this world just weren't meant to be. So can I just drop dead? Hazel said I would be forever alone. And Caanan said I looked like a rat. I'm sorry to rat my bullies out but it won't matter when I drop dead. Bullet. Shot. Head. That's all it takes for me to obtain peace and escape from this world that treats me like a piece of shit. What do I make of this? What do I have going for myself? Worthless poetry written for nobody but for you to read and provide your sympathy.
No one is into me, no one really cares.
Just need to empty my ink just to feel empty again.
This poetry is just a temporary remedy.
But a permanent solution would be for me to drop dead.
Co-workers overlook me, ignore me, don't give me a stare.
And I mess up a lot and I lack common sense, so everyone thinks I'm mentally challenged.
And I go home to my parents, mom is good, but dad causes damage to my sanity and self-esteem.
He says I was never smart and never will be.
He says I'm not intact mentally.
I say me and this world are just not meant to be.
So let me drop dead.
Verbal abuse in this apartment I call home and verbal abuse at work, at school, everywhere I go.
Mistreatment everywhere I go.
Disrespected by everyone I know.
No friends, no life, all I do is stay home.
Too afraid to go outside, I'm antisocial.
And I hate my life, I can't stand it.
So can I just drop dead?
lanaevans (
- Published: September 6th, 2017 22:57
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 12
'Worthless poetry written for nobody but for you to read and provide your sympathy'
No poetry is worthless! You are a good writer, so no, you can't just drop dead!
And you're not getting any sympathy from me. No matter how you grew up, no matter where you are, YOU are the one who decides how you want to live. There is a tale of two brothers who grew up with an alcoholic father who was a thief and in prison most of the time. One brother became an alcoholic and thief, the other one a medical doctor. When they were asked why they became who they were, both answered with: What do you think, with a father like that!
From your writing I can tell that you are smart. Forget that 'mentally challenged' bs. Learn to love yourself first, regardless of what happened, decide to be happy no matter what. I am 69 years old, and believe me, I know it works!
I try everyday to love who i am and accept who i am. But i have so many qualities about me that are withdrawing me. I feel like I am a bit mentally challenged. My dad calls me retarded all the time and I get confused a lot. I mess up a lot at work or I ask dumb questions and people get mad. People treat me like i dont exist or indirectly shoo me away. I'm not that attractive to people so everyone treats me as if they don't see me or gives me dirty looks. I have mental illnesses such as social anxiety and major depressive disorder that keep me from doing pretty much everything. I go to therapy. My home life is not that good. It's like I'm playing life on an expert difficulty level when I'm only an amateur. But I'll keep trying to accept myself even though its hard as heck.
These words could have been taken straight out of my head you are not alone in feeling this way but you have an advantage over most you have a beautiful talent that is worthless only to those who are to stupid or close minded to read it. Here you have worth here you possess beauty, here you are Loved
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