To Consign to Limbo

Reuben Bance

To consign to Limbo is never a choice

Like devil’s democracy, it has no voice

When Limbo comes knocking, don’t fret or make haste

Instead be relaxed as the Reaper lays waste

Chuckle as hemp ropes make marks on youth’s throats

Before with a snap, no more chokes or limp croaks

Comfort the waiting, the ones left to mourn

For come the pale beauty, the dusty old dawn

I’m sure they won’t be a-choking no more.

  • Author: Reuben Bance (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 18th, 2017 13:19
  • Comment from author about the poem: I found a dictionary of English idioms in a charity shop so I decided to buy it. Upon flicking through I noticed a rather catching specimen: To consign to Limbo. Limbo is apparently a place beside hell for unbaptized infants, so I thought why not write a poem about that!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 9
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  • orchidee

    Good write as a poem. I can't believe such a place exists, certainly not for infants. I mean, they don't choose if they are baptised or not, but the parents choose. It's some fiendish horrible superstitious invention, I think.

    • Reuben Bance

      I appreciate you taking time to read my poem, so thankyou very much. Just to clear up, I do not believe limbo is a place at all, I'm not religious in any way and I approached it in a fictional manner.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Reuben. I understand. You were only explaining what you had read in your book.

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