

I am seen as perfect because I'm a size zero,
I cause envy because my bones show.
There is something that I really want to say and something I think they should all know.
I am super sick and terrified,
my lack of weight is unhealthy.
The calories I have to eat everyday are extremely overwhelming.
You see me as a beautiful model,
I see myself as skeletal.
How is it comforting feeling like you're breakable and bendable?
My health is hurting and they are telling me I am fine.
They don't understand because they don't have a body like mine.
I can't touch my body without feeling any worry or fear.
I close my eyes when I get dressed so I can't see my bones appear.
This is a problem that gets overlooked,
This is a problem that gets minimized.
I promise life isn't all that great when your body is undersized.

  • Author: Felicity Jones (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 24th, 2017 21:07
  • Comment from author about the poem: It's about how many women want to be super skinny and underweight when they don't understand how scary that is. It's my way of saying that being so skinny doesn't make life much better.
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 21
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  • kevin browne

    you have portrayed this issue brilliantly. I just wish everyone else would. thank you for making us aware.

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