Black hood, black jeans, black boots, black heart. Broken by love- torn apart from happiness. Given a chance, and then given a place; an empty hole- for those who don't have a soul. For those who waste their nights on alcohol and any man available. Sinking slowly into madness and floating away from life. The world spins round and round until someone breaks it- just like they were broken. Someone who had a life, then had it taken away. Down the rabbit hole we go, never ending- a timeless loop. Others find light again- it comes to them and begs for forgiveness. Some are greeted by darkness, waiting in it for eternity. The place you can never come back from; and you can never leave. Summertime: a season full of joy and laughter, faded into Winter: a time for the darkness to take root, to grab those who have already been taken, and lock them away. Spring may always come again, but Winter is a virus- a virus not even the world's greatest hacker can hack. Just like the darkness: a labyrinth no one makes it out of. Slowly driven to insanity trying to find their way out. Facing tricks not even the world's greatest magician can pull of: tricks of the mind. That's all life is, is one big mind trick- making you think you've found love, but then revealing the truth and making you see it was all a big mistake. Soaked eyes, smeared makeup; the sniffle everyone has after a breakup. Your feelings rushing out because there's nothing left to stop them. That's what the darkness is- reality, the truth………. life. No one escapes it, everyone has their moments when the darkness takes over, and they're unrecognizable.
she_was_torture (
- Published: December 10th, 2017 21:33
- Comment from author about the poem: Random poem, as always. Enjoy!!😊😊
- Category: Sad
- Views: 19
This is really good work, I especially like the last sentence because it is very true. Do you mind checking out a few of my poems and telling me what you think?
Thank you!! No, I wouldn't mind at all- just tell me which ones you would like me to look at.
This is amazing....
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