Garden of Eden


You are my heart and soul. The yin to my yang. My diamond in the rough. You are everything i wished and everything i need. I feel like im Adam and god has given me you in place of Eve. In our garden of Eden everything is possible. Just don't bite the apple or it will crumble. I've been there to dry your tears and make you smile. You've been there to make me run a mile just to get my heart racing to say you are mine. I feel all giddy and happy. You make my days come to a halt and time feels none existent until we come down to the last minute where u have to say goodbye and we say goodnight. People said "get together, you'll be the cutest couple" then in that case my dear we have done it. Your blushes are as beautiful as a sunset. Perfection is no longer abstract it is now concrete, it is YOU. You brought color to my black and white picture of life. The first pick up line i used on you was "do you have a map because im lost in your eyes" as cheesy as it may have sounded you gave me one and rather it being the way out it was the way to your heart.

  • Author: entangledheart (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 21st, 2017 05:07
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is no where finished but give me some critique and/or give me some feedback.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 31
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  • FredPeyer

    This is a beautiful declaration of love, eh! And even though the pick up line is kind of 'cheesy', it fits perfectly into the poem. Except for a few typos, I don't see how you can make it better.

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