

When love ends it some say it loses its definition

To love something is to truly love something

Never wanting to leave what you have

Never wanting what you lean on to fall

But what if someday it falls

Even know they fell and wont ever get back up

You will fall with them

For you have fell for them once, and it was easy to get back up

But this time it is different

You fell back instead of forward

You lost what you loved and the pain is unbearable

But you use it to make mends with whatever may have happened

It will eat at you, like limbless soul in a lake full of piranha's 

That is part of it, its part of loss, part of pain

We are not human if we do not feel these things

Because love is not easy

It is unorthodox, unexplained, sometimes unnoticed

But if the love you have is real, then you will know

I knew, I gave her everything, unconditionally loved her 

But she is gone now, that is just with my eyes

With my heart she is still sitting across the counter from me

She is still telling me about her drama and her problems

She is still replaying in my mind like a broken record

Some say that is a broken heart

But i believe that that is someone who knows the definition of love

To never leave

To always catch yourself when you fall

Always be there for the one you love

And we are so small, but we are so powerful

The love we give is so powerful that when what we love is gone

We continue on with what we had and we build on

  • Author: Jay123 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 22nd, 2018 02:01
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just some thoughts ive been having after i lost her...
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Caring dove
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  • Caring dove

    some very strong messages in this poem .. i love how you have spoken of her replaying in your mind like a broken record, even tho she is gone from your eyes, she is still there in your mind and she has never truly left you , not in your mind , not in your heart. i love this , such a lovely feel to this piece , you have worded this very nicely , i enjoyed

  • Caring dove

    '' to always catch yourself when you fall '' you fell but you kept the memories of her in your mind, which stops you from falling even further? surely if we had loved and for some reason we closed off our mind to them , or tried to .. then that would hurt more , you got me thinking

    • Jay123

      Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.

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