The hands of time

Jordy L G

When you entered this world, I gave you a birthday.


Every second you remember, whether an event or anniversary.


Whenever you feel helpless, I witness your progression as I assist to heal your heart ache. 


Take me as your medicine. 


I can relate to you in one way, We have something in common.


Whatever obstacles come our way, we keep on moving forward. 


Through the struggles and the bad days, when your dreams seem far away, we must tackle the steep inclines, to retain level terrain again.


I give you routine, stability in some ways.

I'm with you during growth, destiny some often say.


But with regret, there comes a time in life where you and I must part.


The dart of death will strike your heart, but do not fight or strain, as your soul will reach the golden gates. 



I must tick tock until my godly given day.

Eternity will seize, the stars will explode.

What we know of our universe will be once unknown again. 



  • Author: Jordy L G (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 11th, 2018 13:58
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
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  • peeter pewter

    I really like the poem. About time someone wrote about time from time's own perspective. Good timing!

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