Tune: Laudate Dominum
('O praise ye the Lord')
Song of Solomon 2 v.8 - 17
The Groom/King speaks in stanzas 1 - 5.
The Bride speaks in stanza 6-7.
Song of Solomon, King visits the bride
He comes to her home, there she does reside
Her beloved spake, and he did say unto her
Rise up, my love, my fair one, does your heart stir?
Rise up, come away, for winter is past
Suns shines now bright warm, and not overcast
For rain is over and gone, flowers appear
And so blossoms my love, your presence is dear
The time of the singing of birds is come
Though in former days they mourned and grieved some
The voice of the turtledove, it be heard sure
In our land, it sings of our love whole and pure
The trees they do sprout, their fruit they give out
Vines with tender grapes give good smell, no doubt
Arise my love, my fair one, and come away
We shall share our love unto e'erlasting day
You are my dove, bride, hid as in rock's cleft
Let me see your face, leave me not bereft
Let me your voice hear now, for it be so sweet
Your appearance lovely, from head to your feet
Catch the little foxes that spoil the vine
They have tender grapes that taste true, divine
My beloved the King is mine, and I his be
He feeds the flock among the fine lilies see
Until the day break, and shadows do flee
My beloved the King be as roe to me
Or as a young hart, or stag, swift-footed run
Upon mounts high, I desire no other one
- Author: orchidee ( Offline)
- Published: February 14th, 2018 02:53
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. The clip is from The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Service (60 years) June 2012, at St Paul's Cathedral, London, UK.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 13
You are not only a good poet, orchie, you are also a good story teller!
Thanks Fred.
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