Pass to present


I did not have to worry.
I was in peace
I did not know what sorrow is
I did not know what regret is till I met you
It felt so real when we were together
But in reality I was living a lie
I wish that everything was real
My life was like Adam and Eve living in the garden of eden
Now my eyes are opened by you
I can feel all of the sorrow
I tried not to think about them
But They captured inside of the brain
It's hard to let go of what we believe is ours
What did I do to deserve this
Ain't am I good enough
Poor little bird I am
Flying looking out to survive
I’m Tired of flying
Now my wings are falling apart
They will never be normal again
Every day it's different
Today might be the happy ever day
Then tomorrow
I hate it I hate life itself
God is that was the destiny you planned for me
It doesn't feel right
I met someone better than you
But the past won't let me trust the present
I doubt about everything
I mean I can’t control the feeling
I’m so messed up
I wish I could’ve be clear
Only God knows The Whole truth
I think I made a good choice
I let it go for a better one
Now can I say I found what I was looking for
I needed to be love
Not for a moment or in a occasion
Someone who cares about me
Who treats me well
And that person who helped me to love again
You’re an incredible man
Sweet , incredible , incomparable
You don’t judge me for my mistakes
You help me fight my weakness
I’m strong than ever
I’ve never thought that I would fall in love again
I had so many regrets and reasons to never fall in love again
I've had many experiences which give me more than a thousand millions reasons to never believe a word that a man says.
So many memories I've wanted to forget...
But now, you’re the perfect man for me
The man you has changed my life
The man who made me see
my heart is still able to feel
the joy that comes when love is real.
Jerry you are everything that I desire,
Your passion sets my soul free
Your kiss take my breath away,
I found love in you
You make me see that my agony made me stronger
You brighten up my darkest day,
You gave me reasons to live when I did not want to
I never thought I'd feel this way...
If I die now, you’re the happy ending of my life story
I love you Jerry 😍

  • Authors: Lynn25
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: March 1st, 2018 13:00
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Public (any user can participate)
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 76
  • Users favorite of this poem: Lynn25
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