The Call Of The Loon

w c

The Call Of The Loon


Of all the birds in the wild

The loon has a special style

With his cries echoing

From the pond and over things


He is a very pretty one

Gliding around and diving some

His feathers black white and slate

And beautiful in a special way


He has a place on the pond

With no question that he belongs

With all the wild things that are there

In the cool and gentle air


As he calls all make note

Of their place with whispers spoke

Happy to know he is free

To call out to his company


In the wild he goes on

Gliding along with his song

A signature species that all is fine

As his fans sip their wine


  • Author: w c (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 3rd, 2018 12:14
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Fay Slimm.

    A charming picture of a bird we never see here in the U.K. but which is an obvious beauty in the places where it can sing and call.I have heard the echo of the loon's cry but only in videos etc. A signature species indeed and thanks for sharing its alluring notes with us W.C.

    • w c

      Thanks so much, Fay! I really appreciate your support. The loon is indeed a special bird.

    • orchidee

      A fine write wc.

      • w c

        Thanks orchidee.

      • Accidental Poet

        Another beautiful write of Nature's own wonderful art.

        • w c

          Thanks AP. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Nature does indeed make beautiful art.

        • Lorna

          I love his warbling cry and have a clock in the kitchen that sings his song every hour! So you got me!

          • w c

            Outstanding! Thanks for sharing. I can imagine what that clock is like.

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