Timothy's Meadow


There far from across the beautiful scarlet fields of embers The boy saw you. Just standing there like a breath taking stag gazing off into the flames that etched the forrests and the meadow's. The honey bark brown eyes that you had had him go into a state of paralysis. The only cool feeling he felt was this fresh brush of ice cold air skidding up his thighs. Is this the intimacy he's  been searching for? There you stood just watching him from afar. The emotion on your face was unrecognizable yet very reticent to his eyes. So enslaving to rush across the burning meadow's to you that he starter to dig his hands into his sides as the cool air that brushed up his thighs begins to fervor into a sexy moan. He wanted this. One last look from afar and your gone. It was like a dream. The fires were completely perished and the feilds were a metallic black ash. Heart sunk in and descended into a deep sleep. All of it was deminished and just a daze. There across the field floated a tiny lit flame. The closer he got to it he started to feel a cool breeze push through the fields. He smiled.

  • Author: RogueShoulder2124 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 5th, 2018 12:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 10
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