The New Me


The new me walked with my head held higher

Sat with my back straight and even crossed my my legs

Walked with one foot before the other

The new me grew my hair cut it and grew it again

The new me drank herbal tea from a vintage mug after practicing the art of meditation, went vegan, lost lost 12 pounds exactly

The new me sprayed both sides of my neck with perfume and went for both a medicure and pedicure biweekly exactly 

Wore rings that matched my earrings and a watch 

The new me went to church Sunday’s and studied the Holy bible page for page, searched high and low 

Here and there for myself but the new me did not find why you cheated on me  


  • Author: femlord (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 19th, 2018 15:18
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 13
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  • femlord

    It is sad because even though I’ve done so much to renew and improve myself I’m still unsettled with myself because of what he did.

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